Fwd: [Moderator Action] Re: Look out!

Forwarding a message from Karl Hebenstreit.

- Judy

>Date: Wed, 6 Feb 2002 07:24:39 -0500 (EST)
>X-Envelope-From: w3c-wai-eo-request@tux.w3.org  Wed Feb  6 07:24:04 2002
>From: Karl.Hebenstreit@w3.org, "Jr." <karlhjr@home.com>
>To: w3c-wai-eo@w3.org
>Old-Date: Wed, 06 Feb 2002 07:22:03 -0500
>Reply-To: karlhjr@home.com
>Organization: Paradigm Leaps
>X-Mailer: Opera 6.0 build 999
>X-Diagnostic: Not on the accept list
>Subject: [Moderator Action] Re: Look out!
>X-Diagnostic: Mail coming from a daemon, ignored
>X-Envelope-To: w3c-wai-eo
>Response to:
>This is an incredibly important topic for the future of the web, and I'd 
>have to agree that there's ample cause for concern.   Regarding Lawrence 
>Lessig, he will be presenting a lecture on "Innovating Copyright" on
>Thursday (http://www.cardozo.yu.edu/aelj/ninth_tenzer.htm)
>My concerns over this copyright/intellectual property issue  were an 
>integral part of the basis for papers I've submitted to CSUN 2000 
>(http://www.csun.edu/cod/conf2000/proceedings/0090Turnbull.html) and
>CSUN 2002 (http://www.csun.edu/cod/conf2002/proceedings/195.htm), which 
>have stressed the importance of the web as an accessible collaborative 
>learning environment.    A major part of the problem is there
>are so many organizations looking at bits and pieces of this issue -- can 
>a comprehensive, coherent framework ("paradigm for the Internet age") be 
>found?   As points of reference, below is a gathering of links I've
>collected that deal with various aspects of the issue, in alphabetical 
>order of the site descriptions I've given.
>The other issues raised in this thread of software design/development and 
>standards compliance are just as complex.   Unfortunately, there has not 
>been enough emphasis given designing and developing quality
>software the first time, so almost all software has to be "retrofitted" 
>for a variety of reasons (see Mark Minasi's Software Conspiracy for lots 
>of examples, http://www.softwareconspiracy.com ).  There is some hope for
>improvement, particularly the Software Process Improvement Networks 
>(http://www.sei.cmu.edu/collaborating/spins/).   The major barrier to 
>standards compliance, intertwined with the intellectual property issue, is
>that the software industry is still locked into the prevailing paradigm of 
>the Industrial age (ruthless competition over exclusive physical 
>resources, excessive wasting of natural resources, information hording, and
>mass-market manipulations).   I believe the work of Paul Hawken, Amory and 
>Hunter Lovins provide insights into an emerging paradigm to challenge at 
>least some of these practices (see Natural Capitalism link
>Karl Hebenstreit, Jr.
>Paradigm Leaps
>(website under construction)
>"If you don't like that idea, I've got plenty of others."
>-- R. Buckminster "Bucky" Fuller, http://www.bfi.org
>Association for Computing Machinery, Computers & Society SIG
>Berkman Center for Internet & Society
>Center for Democracy & Technology
>Copyright, Intellectual Property Rights, and Licensing Issues
>Copyright Issues:  gathered by Virginia Montecino (George Mason University)
>Electronic Frontier Foundation:  Intellectual Property Online archive
>Free Developers Network
>Internet Society
>    On the Internet:  Public Policy Issue
>        http://www.isoc.org/oti/
>Loka Institute
>Natural Capitalism:  a new business model for the next industrial revolution
>Peter Russell:  The Spirit of Now (Anti-Copyright Page).   He does have 
>text links at the bottom of the page.
>Ted Nelson's Project Xanadu
>W3C Technology & Society Domain
>Yahoo:  Intellectual Property

Judy Brewer    jbrewer@w3.org    +1.617.258.9741    http://www.w3.org/WAI
Director, Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI), World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
MIT/LCS Room NE43-355, 200 Technology Square, Cambridge, MA,  02139,  USA

Received on Monday, 11 February 2002 15:24:06 UTC