navigation categories

I still have a lot of problems in understanding the navigation. The latest 
navigation bar is not so bad but I have problems with the categories in the 
whole WAI site.

I was listing some of the categories linked from the WAI pages in different 
navigation bars and the categories at the WAI resource page. I think we 
should make a little exercise and write the categories and pages that 
belong to the categories to yellow notes and try to organize them so that 
it would be more consistent (would be actually nice to do it together in a 
remote blackboard). If the site map and/or resources supports this we might 
be able to clean the navigation hierarchies.

I wrote down part of the hierarchy as some labels might be hard to 
understand without it. However, optimally I would like to start from clean 
table and think about the concepts/categories outside the current organization.

- WAI resources
- WAI Site Map
- about WAI
- W3C index
- W3C search
- W3C translations
- WAI resource: introductions
- WAI resource: quick tips
- WAI resource: frequent questions
- WAI resource: guidelines
- WAI resource: checklists
- WAI resource: techniques
- WAI resource: training
- WAI resource: evaluation
- WAI resource: logos
- WAI resource: translations
- WAI resource: alternative browsing
- WAI resource: events
- WAI resource: policy links
- WAI resource: more resources
- implementation suite
- implementation suite: implementation plan
- implementation suite: evaluation sites
- implementation suite: developing policies
- customizing a business plan (I wonder if this is kind of business plan 
suite bs?)
- bs: business case samples
- bs: implementation plan samples (and how is this connected to the current 
implementation plan?)
- bs: appendices
- implementation suite: selecting authoring tools
- implementation suite: training suite (ists:)
- ists: training overview
- ists: training objectives
- ists: training curricula
- ists: training modules
- ists: training tips
- ists: training setup

Another thing is the that when I look the navigation bar inside the content 
e.g. after the main title there are two ways to do it: 1) still another 
navigation bar or 2) table of contents hierarchy. It is not clear to me 
when to use one and when another.


Received on Friday, 18 January 2002 09:58:34 UTC