June 13 changes to Evaluating Web sites

Working draft copy is still:
Change log copy is still:

1. Added at [http://www.starlingweb.com/wai/eval2.htm#clh ]
"(NOTE: while identifying the page selection is a key first step, and 
summarizing and reporting the results of evaluation is the logical 
conclusion, the order of the intervening steps is not crucial). [Or] (NOTE: 
the order in which steps 2 through 4 are performed is not crucial and is 
presented here as a suggestion only)."
You see what I am getting at here... I'm having trouble finding an elegant 
way to phrase it.

2. On a recommendation from Sarah I moved:
"Notice: Sections 3 and 4 of this document are being considered for 
separate publication as a W3C "Note"."
from the introduction of Section 3 to the end of the main introduction
[http://www.starlingweb.com/wai/eval2.htm#cle ]

3.  Added a criterion for ongoing testing, and a clarifying note about 
comprehensive testing at [http://www.starlingweb.com/wai/eval2.htm#cli ]:
* automated or semi-automated tests to identify problems identified in the 
comprehensive evaluation.

NOTE: A full conformance evaluation is not necessarily required at each 
milestone in an ongoing review process.  Steps like repeated user testing 
may only be required after major template or content changes.

4. Changed "usability testing" to "user testing of accessibility features" at
[http://www.starlingweb.com/wai/eval2.htm#clj ].
Also changed heading for section 3.4 from "Usability evaluation" to "User 
testing of accessibility features" at 
[http://www.starlingweb.com/wai/eval2.htm#clk ]

5. Changed "top level page(s)" to "all pages on which people are more 
likely to enter your site" in 2.1 
[http://www.starlingweb.com/wai/eval2.htm#cla ].  and 3.1.1 (although in 
Comprehensive this may change entirely once the confusion over page 
selection and disclosure is resolved). 
[http://www.starlingweb.com/wai/eval2.htm#clb ].

More changes coming soon.


Starling Access Services
"Access A World Of Possibility"

Received on Thursday, 13 June 2002 16:04:19 UTC