muting on Zakim conference calls

The following "User Instructions for the W3C Zakim Teleconference Bridge"
(from might be helpful in controlling
extra phone noise on our calls:

Muting your audio
At any time during the conference you can prevent the conference from
hearing any sound from your phone by pressing 61#. (The mnemonic is 'Mute'
On=1; '6' corresponds to the 'M' key on appropriately marked telephone
keypads.) You will hear three rapid high pitched tones as a confirmation. If
you are on a particularly noisy connection (an analog mobile phone for
example) this mute will have better results than a local mute button on your
phone, since the local mute button only turns off your local microphone
without stopping noise introduced by the phone connection.

Unmuting your audio
After using the sequence above to stop your audio you can turn your audio
back on by pressing 60# ("Mute" off=0). The confirmation that the bridge has
accepted this command is three rapid low-pitched tones. The other
participants in the conference will not hear these tones; they will only
know you unmuted your line by hearing background noise from you.

- Shawn

Received on Saturday, 8 June 2002 10:09:57 UTC