Re: Evaluating Web sites: Lynx and data tables

You could provide instruction for using lynx with tablin in proxy mode...

Or even as a local proxy application.



On Thu, 30 May 2002, Jean-Marie D'Amour wrote:

  Hello Chuck,

  I agree with your Note.

  For now, the best tool to test complex tables in the real world is Home
  Page Reader, except for axis.

  Personnaly, I ceased to use Lynx for testing since Opera 6. I can made all
  tests with Opera or HPR. I have no objection to maintain Lynx in the
  document but i don't see how we can recommand a different usage for the
  comprehensive evaluation.


  Jean-Marie D'Amour

  A 11:08 2002-05-30, Chuck Letourneau a écrit :
  >This change log entry is clipped from
  >and refers to the use of LYNX
  >- start of clipping -
  >*       explain more about what to look for in code when reviewing data
  >tables in lynx [20011030]
  >         [20020426] add a Note in #2, "don't use lynx on data tables."
  > (provide a link to somewhere where it's defined)
  >- end of clipping -
  >I think that simply stating, "don't use lynx on data tables" is not the
  >solution to this change request.
  >The "problem" with using Lynx to evaluate the accessibility of data tables
  >arises because it does not (in the release I use) expose accessible markup
  >that an author may have added (i.e. headers, id, scope, etc.) that
  >(theoretically) make the table accessible to web agents that support such
  >On the other hand, LYNX can still be used to show whether an author has
  >designed a table to make sense when linearized.
  >Therefore I propose that something like the following note be added to
  >both the preliminary and comprehensive sections (links to checkpoints
  >could be added):
  >- start of note -
  >NOTE: LYNX cannot be used to verify compliance with WCAG Priority 1
  >checkpoints 5.1 and 5.2 .   To do so, use a Web agent or assistive tool
  >that can interpret advanced table markup.  If such a tool is not
  >available, manually inspect the source code to determine if advanced table
  >markup has been used.  Then, when a suitable tool becomes available,
  >revisit the tables to ensure that the markup is reporting properly.  LYNX
  >can, however, be used to verify compliance with WCAG Priority 2 checkpoint
  >- end of note -
  >Comment 1:  I am not certain that any tools fully (or consistently)
  >support all advanced table mark up yet.  Thus it is doubtful whether even
  >visual inspection of code is entirely useful since we are essentially
  >guessing how the markup might be interpreted by some future tool.  This is
  >an enduring problem for people trying to achieve Double-A.
  >Comment 2: All this begs another question: should we distinguish between
  >how we recommend the use of LYNX in a preliminary review and in a
  >comprehensive review?
  >Discussion would be appreciated.
  >Chuck Letourneau
  >Starling Access Services
  >"Access A World Of Possibility"

  Jean-Marie D'Amour M.Éd.
  CAMO pour personnes handicapées

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Received on Friday, 31 May 2002 10:09:47 UTC