Comments on Eval comments for Friday, Apr 5.

RE: From: "BATEMAN,LEE" Date: Fri, 12 Oct 2001

2. Preliminary Review

2.2.1  "turn off images, and make sure that the information is presented in 
an appropriate sequence relative to the visual presentation on the GUI site. "

CPL: Even I am not sure what this point means.  Under what circumstances 
does the turning off of graphics in a graphical browser change the sequence 
of marked-up content?  Perhaps in cases where left, center and right align 
has been overused, or the float in CSS?

2.3.2 "is the information presented in a similar logical order as when 
viewed through the GUI browser? "

CPL: Perhaps "is the information presented in a similar (or equivalent) 
manner to that which the designer expects it will be read from a visual 
display?  (e.g. left to right, top to bottom in most Western languages, or 
perhaps main content first, followed by secondary content, then navigation, 
advertising, etc.)

Re: From: Charles McCathieNevile Date: Mon, Oct 22 2001

CPL: Re 3.1.1 and 3.1.2 do seem to be mutually exclusive (although 3.1.1 
may correspond to the second option in 3.1.2)

CPL: 3.1.2: This is confusing... what does "disclose" mean in this context?
And what does the second option in 3.1.2 mean at all?  You can't have an 
expanded list if the alternative is the  entire site.  Perhaps what is 
meant here is "or a clearly defined subset of the site".

Re: From: Liz Roberts Date: Tue, 30 Oct 2001

2.2.3. "change the font size (larger and smaller) in the browser, and 
observe whether the page is still readable."  Liz's Comments: This is 
confusing to me: of course you can keep shrinking the size of the type and 
make it unreadable. I'm confused as to what this supposed to accomplish.

CPL: I suppose the example worth considering here is when style sheets fix 
layout using absolute sizes (e.g. for line-height).  If font sizes are 
sized relatively and line-heights are fixed, then enlarged text may 
overwrite its neighbours and become unreadable. But Liz is correct that in 
saying that, without a specific example, the point as written may appear 

2.2.5. "change the display color to black and white (or print out page on 
black and white printer) and observe whether color contrast is adequate."

CPL: Would "grey-scale" printer be more appropriate than "black and 
white"?  Liz's comment ("most printers I've come across print white text on 
a dark background as black text on white") is probably accurate if printer 
setting are set for true "black and white" output.

Thats all I had time to do...

Chuck Letourneau

Received on Friday, 5 April 2002 08:29:07 UTC