Benefits document tables & list versions

In tables (and their linearized version):

1. Titles are needed for references to checkpoints 2.1, 2.2, and 14.3.

2. Text of most of those reference titles includes "Checkpoint x.y: ..."
or one "Guideline 9".

That "Checkpoint x.y: " prefix is missing from 11.2.

3. The row labeled Table Attributes actually refers to the element caption.

3.1. Suggest change to say "Table caption."

3.2. Alternatively [and intimidatingly] expand to include the
accessibility attributes of table
     (summary, class, title, ?style?, id),
and its structural descendents, (all of whom have %attrs; attributes,
some of which have accessibility uses) include:

     %coreattrs;  id, class(es), ?style?, title)
     %i18n;       lang, xml:lang, dir
     %events;     [the ten "on..." action scripts, often counter to
                   accessibility needs]

Table descendent elements (accessibility attributes):

     colgroup (span)
     col      (span)
     th       (abbr, axis, headers, scope, rowspan, colspan)
     tr       (abbr, axis, headers, scope, rowspan, colspan)

Few tables make use of these accessibility attributes.
Are there any among the WAI materials?

Regards/Harvey Bingham

Received on Friday, 5 October 2001 18:34:25 UTC