Universal Usability in Practice

The Washington DC Chapter of the ACM SIGCHI group received the following
message from Dr. Ben Shneiderman.  From my initial review of the site,
I'm impressed with the background context that the descriptions provide
and the rather extensive web references.   I'm sure that Ben's class
would welcome comments from the EOWG group, but please keep distribution
of the site to a minimum until a subsequent announcement since the site
is still in a pre-announcement stage.

I've also corrected some problems with the Check Your Page tool caused
by a reorganization of our website (link provided in my signature block
at the end of the message).


Subject: Univesrsal Usability in Practice

Dear DC-CHI colleagues,

I'm very pleased and proud of the 18 grad students in my human-computer
interaction course at the University of Maryland.  Their project was to
create an online
resource for professional web site developers that covered the issues of
universal usability

The topics include hardware issues such as accommodating users with slow
modems, small screens, text-only, and wireless devices and content
design issues such as translation to other languages, plus access for
novice, low educated and low motivated users, children and elders.  They
also dealt with disability design for blind, deaf, cognitively impaired,
and physically disabled.  Each article has practical guidelines, web
site examples, links to organizations, and a bibliography.

  I would like to announce this website more widely by about May 14 so
feedback about problems to the authors, ediitors, and to me would be
welcome.  I've made a lot of suggestions on the writing already, but
specific suggestions for the remaining serious flaws would be great.
Each article has a mailto link for the author.

 Positive feedback to the students would also be nice for them... I can
pass on general comments or you can write to the whole group directly at

Thanks... Ben S

Ben Shneiderman           http://www.cs.umd.edu/~ben
Dept of Computer Science  301-405-2680
University of Maryland    301-405-6707 fax
College Park, MD 20742    http://www.cs.umd.edu/hcil


Karl Hebenstreit, Jr.
 US General Services Administration
Office of Governmentwide Policy
Office of FirstGov
Voice:  202-275-0540
E-mail:  karl.hebenstreit@gsa.gov
Websites:  http://www.firstgov.gov

Received on Thursday, 10 May 2001 13:35:17 UTC