Re: RNIB factsheet on accessible web design

At 05:28 PM 9/25/00 +0000, Julie Howell wrote:
>Comments welcome.

Although "every little bit helps" I must disagree on a couple of points. 
"Choose a background that is a single, solid colour." poses a problem for 
me in that I believe the emphasis should be on absolute separation of 
content/structure from presentation and this set of guidelines is dealing 
with presentation - which should ideally be entirely under the 
control/approval of the user. The admonitions about visual design are 
completely unimportant if the author follows device independent design 
(Universal Design) principles. It doesn't matter if the author looks at it 
as a flashing whizbangie so long as she makes the semantics readily available.

A less important point is that what appears to be a proliferation of 
suggested guidelines would best be centered on some kind of standards. 
Since RNIB, as well as all the other guidelines referenced in this document 
are represented (or free to be, if not already so) in the WAI Guidelines 
effort, it might serve the cause better to promote WCAG and provide ways of 
looking at that document's intent through various viewpoints. If there is 
disagreement over details, bring it to the lists.


Received on Monday, 25 September 2000 13:16:15 UTC