Re: Comments on your WCAG slides

Hi Harvey...

My comments are mixed with your comments below, and prefaced with CPL::.
Thanks for noticing the bugs and for your suggestions.  The simple ones
will be fixed today.  The recompile may require the weekend to be ready.

At 18/11/99 04:44 PM , Harvey Bingham wrote:
>I plan to use some of these in support of the WEB-4-ALL all-day
>session December 9, 1999 in Philadelphia at the XML '99 and Markup
>Technologies '99 concurrent conferences. I appreciate your work on
>them. Here are several nits.
>1. I suggest the default index order for the tab-initiated movement would be
>shortened if the "next page" came before the "prior page" before
>the "go to top". In IE5 the first tab takes me to the URL, the next to the
>"go back", and the third to "next slide".  That may be a general improvement
>for the W3 slidemaker.

CPL:: I will have to modify my slidemaker tools to do this, and recompile
the entire set, but it is worth doing.  I will add TABINDEX=1 to Next-slide
and TABINDEX=2 to Previous-slide.

>2, Style    in both sam.htm and sam30-0.htm
>.linetwo { ... color: color: #00ffff
>? redundant color: ?

CPL:: Fixed.

>3. Checkpoint 11.1 - Use W3C technologies and use the latest versions when
>they are supported.   appears in oversam.htm, sam.htm, and sam83-0.htm
>"When they are supported" needs to be qualified. I assume the passive
>"they" refers to the browser supplier, not W3C member support, as
>indicated by moving such technologies to TR form!

CPL:: Fixed... it now reads: "Use W3C technologies and use the latest
versions when
they are supported by browsers."

>4. On some example pages at the bottom you refer to the next slide title,
>but don't include a link to it. When I have to scroll down to show that
>far, I cannot regain the top to follow the pointer to the next slide
>without more scrolling, or clicking on a "top" button.

CPL:: Since I have to recompile the entire curriculum set for item 1, I
will add a duplicate nav-cluster at the bottom of the page.  I had intended
to do this a long time ago, but I forgot somewhere along the line.

>Is there any way for hotkeys to be defined for consistently moving
>FORWARD and back? IE5 allows ALT-leftarrow and ALT-rightarrow to work
>among those pages I have seen, but not to the next that I haven't yet.

CPL:: In IE4, pressing and holding ALT-N would advance the page, ALT-P
would do previous page, ALT-I, -G, -C, and -E to the table of contents for
the Introduction, Guidelines, Checkpoints and Example sets, respectively.
This was with the ACCESSKEY attribute on the link elements.  However, IE5
has changed the way it handles ACCESSKEY.  Pressing ALT-N will move the
focus of the cursor to the tagged link, but it will NOT activate it.  You
now have to hit return after doing the ACCESSKEY combination.  This makes
it less convenient, but probably removes some of the conflict problems with
other keyboard-aware assistive devices.

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Received on Friday, 19 November 1999 13:58:02 UTC