Re: Braille on the QuickTips card?

Jonathan, somehow your message got scrambled when I tried to read it. In case
it happened to others I am describing your layout.

The layout is as follows:

Top left, size of a wide braille character is a wheelchair icon (commonly
understood to refer to access for people with disabilities). Then there is
"quick tips" written in braille across the rest of the top of the card. The
rest of the card is the W3C logo (Those letters, with funky design - W3 in
blue, and the C as just a shadow of a raised letter) and the words "Quick
Tips" in white on a grey rectangle overlaid. The contrast works pretty well,
but I am not sure if we can cover the logo with anything. As Jonathan said,
there is an arrow on the lower right hand side inviting one to turn over the

Anyway, I would put the Quick Tips wording under the Braille. This would work
if we cut the quick tips to one side of a card, which I think is possible. I
would still like to have the URI in braille, and it might be easier to put
that on top of the W3C logo.

Another possibilty is to have a folded card - many of the brailled cards I
have seen do this. That would give us heaps of "real estate"...

Charles McCN

Received on Tuesday, 26 October 1999 18:18:38 UTC