- From: Judy Brewer <jbrewer@w3.org>
- Date: Thu, 29 Jul 1999 23:56:51 -0400
- To: w3c-wai-eo@w3.org
EOWG Minutes, Monday July 19 & Tuesday July 20, 1999, Sophia-Antipolis, France PRESENT: Daniel Dardailler (W3C, Chair): DD Charles McCathieNevile (W3C): CMN Masafume Nakane (W3C): MN Julie Howell (RNIB): JH Steve Tyler (RNIB): ST Kevin Carey (RNIB): SC Helle Bjarno (VIIC): Helle Marja-Riitta Koivunen (W3C): MK Judy Brewer (W3C): JB Ian Jacobs (W3C, scribe): IJ Sylvie Duchâteau (Inserm): SD Dominique Burger (Inserm): DB Dave Pawson (RNIB): DP Al Gilman (Ind.) AL Nir Dagan (Hebrew Univ.) AG Raphael Romero (SIDAR) RR Wendy Chisholm (Trace) WC Education and Outreach WG Overview, JB [This first section is excerpted from the EOWG report to the WAI IG, on the morning of the EOWG face-to-face] Has been active for more than a year. (Refer to list of deliverables at http://www.w3.org/WAI/EO/EO-deliverables) Completed Work items: * There is an Events Calendar. Structurally finished but not totally useful yet. For tracking meetings and conferences pertinent to accessibility (for promotion or for accessibility). * Quick Tips are currently being updated. * Policy References list links to national government policies related to accessibility. * Various W3C reference Notes: - CSS access features Note published. ACTION IAN: Ensure that old one links to new one. - HTML access features Note (old version) * Browser resource page. * FAQ about Web Content Guidelines. * RNIB Film is done (except for captions). Work that is almost done: * SMIL access features Note (being revised) * Translation coordination page * Web Content Accessibility Guidelines curriculum. * Overview curriculum about accessibility * "Core reference Note": Accessibility issues and scenarios, what technologies used, description of how users use hardward, software. Will probably roll some scenarios into this and some into a business case. * Brochure. May be dropped since literature stuffer is more popular. Work that is being revised: * Quick Tips * Literature Stuffer (e.g., update URIs to guidelines) High priority to-do: * Better organization of WAI Website. Judy has a revised version of the home page that is easier to find information on. * Demonstration sites. Need creative accessible sites. * Implementation and promotion of Guidelines * There have been lots of presentations and talks. Would like to make materials more easily available from site. Poll: For the next year, how many literature stuffers would you like: RNIB: 12,000 Helle: 1000 (In English) Max: 1000 (for INET 2000 in Yokahama) Dominique: 2000-5000 (but based on A4 format) Poll: Would people also like a (tri-fold) brochure? Most people felt additional brochure unnecessary for now. ACTION JUDY: downgrade priority on deliverables list. [end of EOWG report to WAI IG meeting] -- [also excerpting relevant section of report to WAI IG on European Commission funding, and translation of educational materials] European Commission Update, DD We applied for 24 months of funding in June this year for tool development. Focus on education and outreach in Europe. Will get translations, locatizations, policy references for Europe. Will use report form to review European sites. Will compose gallery of good Double-A conformant sites. Would like to get programming time (at Sophia) to continue working on tools. Steve Tyler: Who is your contact at EBU (European Blind Union)? DD: Was Jaap. Now Mokrane Boussaid and Jaap both. DD: For the next round of project, W3C will be primary contact and will enter into subcontracts with others. RR: Is the WAI film translated into other languages? DD: Not translated or captioned yet. ERCIM is producing a CD-ROM on European technologies. They want to use some of the WAI film in their project. Probably will do (or use) some of the translation. DD: We also want to invest time in translating quick tips and guidelines. /* end of excerpt from European Commission report */ --------- /* Education and Outreach meeting begins at 12:15 */ JB: Agenda: * Reports on European EO activities * QuickTips review * Outreach needs/opportunities in Europe * Feedback on and prioritization of Implementation/Promotion strategies JH: "Websites that Work": Report on launch by Julie Howell 16 minute film on how people with disabilities access the Web. We had a successful launch! About 150 lined up to see it at the "Global Cafe" in London. Screening aimed at Commissioners of Websites (e.g., from banking associations). Also media interest and people from disability organizations. Improvised an awards ceremony. Would like to have launches in other parts of the UK. There's a lot more we can do to make the most of the film! ST: We've been working with corporate fundraising people involved, as well as people that run Web design training courses. JB: Did Web Content developers attend the launch? JH: Mostly managers. Morning schedule attracted a particular audience. JB: What media followed the event? JH: Local government, mainstream public interest. Also national broadsheets emphasized, important for forming public opinion. JB: Some group in the US wants to do a launch. IJ: Can we stream the video from the W3C site? JB: Still needs captioning. I've been discussing with WGBH (Boston TV station that pioneered captioning). We plan to contract with them to do two Web-based versions. We definitely want this to be available from the Web. (WGBH needs to work with beta, not VHS). DB: Translations of film? JB: We should, but haven't looked at this in detail. RR: We would like to translate it into Spanish. How do we do this legally? JB: DD and I have to sit down with JH and ST and discuss translation coordination, among other things, in detail. AG: Need to coordinate potential translators, e.g., for translation to SMIL. Helle: Do you think there is supplemental EC money for this? DD: Yes, in our new proposal, in fact. /* Lunch 12:30 */ /* Viewed RNIB video */ -- Report on BrailleNet activities by Sylvie Duchâteau - Produced leaflet on Web accessibility. Falls between guidelines and quicktips in detail and complexity. (English version on the Web site: http://www.braillenet.jussieu.fr/education) - Launch received national press attention. - Analyzing Web sites by hand. Addressing Web masters of important sites (e.g., French Prime Minister, Ministry of Education). Slow work. Tools to do semi-automatic evaluation would be really helpful. - We also had contact with government officials. The leaflet might be published on the Prime Minister's site. - Bobby is only in English. People would like a French version. We're in touch with people from CAST to do a French version. French govt. would like a French "Bobby approved" logo. - BrailleSoft (non-visual browser). Analyzes HTML document. Can be used to show Web site designers how their pages appear without graphical information. Good complementary tool. Comments welcome on the document, notably comments on English. JB: Thoughts if we were to use as a WAI document: Seems to focus heavily on blindness and low vision. We have to ensure cross-disability coverage. Since you are referring to WAI work, when you reprint, please make clear that WAI does cross-disability work. KC: The document seems great! JB: What is average time to evaluate a site? What is average reply from Web masters? Do you re-review site after discussion? SD: Depends on complexity of site. When only a question of alt text, not long at all. With multi-frames, java, etc. requires more time. Some people are very interested in improving accessibility and answer the same day. Others didn't answer at all. Others said "Can't do anything since most people use IE and NN and it costs too much to make the site more accessible." SD: Some people have made sites evolve slowly, over a few months. Beautiful sites that are also accessible. French ministry made a text-only version of their home page. Had to rename all their frames (lots of them). They have been slow to improve the accessibility of their site. DB: Some sites are partly accessible. Some types of pages easier to make accessible than others for Web designers. JH: In the UK, much the same experience. How long does it take? An audit would take a few hours (e.g., using Bobby). Ran through PWWebspeak and Jaws. On response from people: People who paid for an audit (e.g., Home Office) appreciate the effort. We also noted that no dialog often between Commissioners and Designers. RNIB has served as intermediaries to bridge the gap. JB: So management/communication needs to be addressed in the business case. ACTION JUDY: ensure module in business case that addresses management/communication needs. JH: Often tiny changes would help a lot but communication hinders quick responses. Action JH, SD: Send email about models of pages and any info on making them accessible. ST: One follow-up to film is to create demonstration sites that show what isn't accessible and how to fix it. MK: It would be useful to get expert user input. How they navigate, browse, etc. What's difficult in actual scenarios that we're missing in the UAGL. In short: use stories to feed UAGL. -- Overview of SIDAR (Report by Raphael Romero) RR: SIDAR (almost three years old) is a public event. People invited to attend (this year first week of Nov). We have also done a course on accessible Web design (for public administration in one region of Spain). We intend to put the course on the Web (materials in Spanish). Web site: www.sidar.org Translation of WCAG 1.0 available. Text ready, but not in HTML and CSS yet. We have a mailing list for accessibility issues (at Univ of Valencia). We studied accessibility of public administration Web sites in Spain. Govts. of each autonomous region has a Web site. Study of the sites looked at home page and first level of pages linked from there. Our goal is to serve as Spanish-language source of accessibility information on the Web. We would like to be linked from WAI home page. E.g., we looked for French resources, but had difficulties finding them. JB: References page includes links to a few projects. We'd like to increase this number. No opposition to doing this, just need resources to manage this. ACTION JUDY: build in links to language-specific resources /* How can people participate in WAI? */ JB: Participation in WAI is for the most part informal. People can participate as individuals or organizations. There is no Membership cost. Some organizations become W3C Member organizations. (Refer to: How to Join W3C http://www.w3.org/Consortium/Prospectus/Joining) People can join WGs (e.g., PF WG) by participating as an invited expert, which requires formal commitment, but not W3C Membership. Other organizations sponsor W3C Activities. Different funding levels are possible. DP: Please put this info on WAI home page. JB: It is on the draft revised WAI home page which we've been requesting comments on. DP (to RR): What type of activity on the mailing list? RR: A year ago, very active. But no moderator now and we need to fix this. Discussion is likely to increase once the guidelines have been translated and are online. -- Overview of Denmark Activities: Helle Bjarno Helle: Produced a report We evaluated 144 Web sites. None passed Bobby entirely. We found that many pages other than home pages were accessible since heavily textual. It's the home page (with ads, graphics, etc.) that was typically not as accessible. This was done last August. But we are still seeing articles occasionally about the report. The response from the designers and govt was positive. We've had a lot of contact with people since then. We audit for free. There is also a "Center for Accessibility" that gets funding. Unfortunately, not very into information technology - don't know much about vision impairment and technology. In short, there are a number of institutions all working together, doing audits now, presenting talks, other types of outreach. Helle works with libraries, organizes seminars. Unfortunately, interest in library community has waned and fewer and fewer attend seminars. We want to emphasize cross-disability support. We're working on "Danish States guidelines" recommendations for electronic publications. Make recommendations that information be available on the Web and be accessible. But no power to enforce. AG: One thing to work on is political. People who are writing documents have no power to enforce. How can you get people in government to bring people into conformance? What's the implementation plan? Helle: In Denmark, Ministry and Danish parliament can negotiate and create standards (more like carrots than sticks). E.g., action plans like "Before 2008, all Web sites must be accessible...". WC: How are you addressing cognitive and learning disabilities in your guidelines? Helle: I'm not sure that we are very much, unfortunately. We have a guideline about consistency and clarity, but not much else. We haven't figured out how to solve this problem yet. JB: Are you aware of the WCAG Draft Curriculum? RR: Is what's on Starling Web (the draft curriculum) coordinated with the HTML WRiters Guild curriculum? (Scribe finds http://www.hwg.org/services/classes/d201.6.html) JB: Loose coordination through Kynn Bartlett. DD: The Italian community has been active as well. In Pisa a few months ago, I met people who had translated WCAG into Italian. They are lobbying govt. to get telecommunication legislation to promote accessibility. JB: Lots of activity in a number of countries as well. (Refer, e.g., to http://www.w3.org/WAI/References/Policy) -- QuickTips review JB gives some background about motivation for QuickTips About 21,000 have been given away. JB: Please note - the content of the cards is not meant for policy-making, since not the complete guidelines. ACTION JUDY: add this clarification to quicktips home page Planned changes: 1) Bold the word "alt". 2) Bold "MAP" and put in small caps 3) Second clause will be dropped 4) Second clause: "For example, avoid 'click here'." 5) Bold "CSS" 6) No change 7) No change 8) Text of this tip not decided yet. 9) New text: "Make line-by-line reading sensible. Summarize." 10) Text of this tip not decided yet. JB: Also, a proposal to add a URI to the guidelines at the end of the card (part of last tip? end of card?) ON FRAMES JB: Background - lots of additional comments on EO mailing list. I don't expect to resolve critical technical differences. Looking for compromise for this round of quick tips. DP: 'Frames. Add "title" or "name" attributes." I don't like the verb label. JH: I feel that in the UK context, frames are not accessible. They're just too slow. WC: Would "Use NOFRAMES" suffice? JH: Yes. ND: It's not clear why to use "name"/"title". Perhaps: "Describe function of frames with "name"/"title". Make it sound like first QuickTip language. CMN: I think we should add "Use NOFRAMES" to the beginning of the Tip. WC: I agree. Also don't need to talk about "name" attribute. Proposed: "Use meaningful titles and provide alternative navigation in NOFRAMES". DP: "Use meaningful title attributes." ND: Most people don't know about "title" attribute. Need something stronger than "meaningful titles". Maybe "Use the title attribute on each FRAME." DD: We put "name" in it since that's what browsers support. If you just talk about "title" on FRAME, will Lynx work? Will IE? ND: "name" is not very useful (syntax restricted, not I18N friendly). DD: I agree to add "meaningful" to express that the title has to describe the function of the frame. I'm not in favor of saying "Use NOFRAMES". DP: Use the title attribute to give a meaningful description to each frame. IJ: Describe organization and purpose through "title" and NOFRAMES. DD: We need to vote on the semantic points. a) Do we want NOFRAMES in the tip? For: 8 Against: 2 Don't care: 6 Will block consensus: 0 IJ: I have no problem abstracting "titling" and dropping reference to attributes. People have to consult techniques anyway. Also allows "name"/"title" ugliness. Resolved: "Use NOFRAMES and meaningful titles." - NOFRAMES is an element name. On QuickTip 10. Reasons for reconsidering: - Strong sentiment that we need a better URL at the end of the card. - People felt testing methods could be dropped. - Validation important, but no need to cite HTML specifically. - Checklist also considered important. AG: I don't think (front URI) www.w3.org/WAI necessary. JB: In original versions, we had URI in the back. More people missed when only in back than when only in front. EO WG will not drop it from the front. DP: 'Check your work. Validate the HTML. Use the tools at <URI>.' JB: Concept of "evaluation" dropped at that point. MK: People may not see URI in front since in all caps. IJ: Or use a different color, e.g., black. IJ: 'Check your work: Refer to section on validation in <URL>' ND: 'Check your work: Use the tools and guidelines at <URL>' AG: I believe ND's proposal is to give a shorter URI that gives you links to guidelines and tools page. Resolved: - Leave checklist and validate - Wipe out WCAG if needed. Suggestions on intro URI: a) Prose in lower case. b) Use black not blue. AG: Don't use reverse video - you lose people. WC: It would be wrong to lose the blue. IJ: Are we limited to three colors? JB: Yes (two ink colors actually) JB: I don't want to change blue bar without consulting list. DD: Reverse video with black/white is more readable. /* Break 16:15 */ On leveraging of the Web Content Guidelines and other support material. Additional ideas: - Gallery of accessible sites. Ten to twenty real life Web sites (multimedia, govt., corporate). Need to disprove the myth that accessible Web sites are dull and boring. Need review commitments and selection criteria. Need to review to ensure that guidelines are met. Also need commitments to ensure ongoing satisfaction of guidelines. - Need an organized list of site reviewers. A lot of people are reviewing sites. Need to ensure that they're being reviewed in a consistent manner. We might say: if you're nominating your site for the gallery, we will promise a certain kind of review. IJ: Make methodology available to Web designers in general. "Here's what we're doing to evaluate sites." - Implementation commitments. Bell Atlantic, IBM, US Govt and Canadian govts, others committed to implement. A number of large multinational corporations have committed to Double-A conformance but aren't saying so publicly since they don't want to be attacked for not conforming right now. I'd like to find a way for people to say "We commit that our site will be accessible in six months." - Promotion commitments. There are many more organizations that have committed to publicize the WCAG and to say it's a good thing to do. - Commitments to Education. Possibility that Universities in Mexico will be teaching the guidelines. In the US, there are Universities with Web Content training programs. They would like to create a certificate program to teach the guidelines. In Spain, there are some programs as well. - Authoring Tool Guidelines promotion. We're having problems getting authoring tool developers participate in the development of the guidelines. Boeing has put out a challenge: the first company that puts out an accessible authoring tool, Boeing will purchase the tool. I'd like to get more major multinationals to sign on for the challenge. - Target promotion on professional content developer houses in a number of countries. Combine with outreach to press and governments. - Bulletin. Poll: Which topics are highest priority? ST: Authoring Tool promotion will earn the highest dividends. Can we commission a company with an existing product to make it accessible? RNIB would partner with a commercial company to pay them to make an accessible too. DP: Potential gaps a) Generated pages? Have we missed this audience? JB: This is covered by authoring tool guidelines. There could be piggy-back promotion opportunities. b) Need to add to materials: cost/benefit case. c) Need a more "executive summary" how to package. JB: I agree, this is in our next round of deliverables and is considered very important [specifically as part of modular business case] Consensus: A "How to Get started using the guidelines" is a good idea. Helle: Need rationales in a shorter document. JB: What if the business case itself has a section on how to implement? Business case needs to be modular since culturally countries differ, e.g., in accent on profit. ST: Although the business case is important, a lot of "corporate types" don't run their own Web site. They just commission the work. The "second tier" material is less imporant. Poll: Gallery of Accessible sites Organized group of reviewers Implementation Commitments Promotion Commitments Education Commitments Authoring Tool Challenges Promotion to Content Developer AG: I think some live examples are very important [gallery] IJ: I agree. AG: May need to lower requirements to get them out there sooner. KC: The business case is vital in the European context. We're firefighting not just in PCs but consumer electronics, mobile devices, etc. WC: I agree with AG. Other activities can build off of that. I also like applying pressure to authoring tools. But need to apply same pressure to User Agent developers. Also need to get users to purchase the tools that do the right thing. JB: It's likely that other organizations will be putting pressure on UA developers. While recognizing chicken and egg nature of this problem, we may lose impact if we try to do too much. DP: I support the galleries and the promotion commitments. I think this should be bundled as part of the business case. JB: The business case sounds really central. ST: However much of a business case that we throw at developers (who have their own priorities), if they have a tool that does that hard work automatically, they'll use it. JB: What companies would we target for a tool challenge like Boeing's? CMN: Universities that teach Web development. JB: These aren't large buyers. CMN: But they are future users. DP: Sellers of authoring tools (e.g., Egghead Software). JB: Can they give preference? IJ: Don't know, may be like buying front display cases in a bookstore. AG: Coalition for Networked Information http://www.cni.org/ WC: Don't limit to computer science. Bring in libraries, etc. JB: So far, these people don't have purchasing power. DD: Big telecom operations (e.g., France Telecom, Deutsche Telecom). Action DD: Look into France Telecom. IJ: EDF (Through Daniel Glazman). JB: Commitment is to commit to purchase authoring tool guidelines that conform to Double-A level. WC: We have strong contacts with USWest and Ameritech. Action WC: Talk to them. ST: British Telecom and the BBC Action ST: Follow up with BT and BBC. JB: Goal is to sound them out first. If positive response, we'll coordinate to get a major press release, common approach, etc. WC: I still like Charles' idea of working with schools. They distribute CD roms with software. DD: Let's look at W3C Membership, user organizations with more than 50,000 employees. Action DD: Propose sublist to list. ST: We're looking for shopping online anyway. Let's get a commercial site to sign on. E.g., Walmart. WC: Amazon ST: As sponsors for the whole thing: ATIA (http://www.atia.org/). Hewlett-Packard has links to Arkenstone. CMN: State govts. in Victoria or Australia. Accessibility starting to appear in contracts. Action Charles: Talk to state govts. in Australia. Action Wendy: Talk to Wisconsin State govt. Action Judy: Talk to Maine State govt. DD: European Commission has asked me to go to Bruxelles to teach them about accessibility. DP: PC manufacturers (Dell, HP, etc.) that ship bundled software. ST: RNIB has connections with Dell. Action Kevin: Look at Dell and Gateway through intermediaries. Masafumi: Management folks could talk to members in Japan - Toshiba, etc. Info tech center who know people in academia. I know one major newspaper making their site accessible and will talk with them. Action Masafumi: Management folks in Keio, Info tech Center, and newspaper. ST: Get Sony! They have adopted universal design principles and are pre-disposed. -- On Demonstration sites. Some ideas: a) Good sites and why. b) Bad sites and why c) Before/after. DD: When creating a gallery, need to date review and create snapshot of site (in case of changes). MN: We are limited to review of sites in language we understand. Need to ensure fair distribution to send the right I18N message. Helle: We have a number of boring accessible sites in Denmark. For criteria of choosing which sites to review, include diversity in function of site (e.g., not all commercial sites). CMN: I think it's important to work on a wide group of languages we can handle. /* break for dinner */ /* next morning, resumed for half the morning */ WAI EO meeting, Tuesday July 20, 1999 - Reorganization of WAI Web site - FUD FAQ: Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt Frequently Asked Questions - Access features Notes. - Gallery of sites - Organized groups of reviewers. Priorities: - Business Case considered very important - FUD/FAQ: DP: Is cost of implementation in that? JB: A little bit. MK: People ask how we know they will work. What kind of expertise produced them. How much contact with disabled users was there? DP: Similarly: "What 'right' do you have to create the guidelines?" DB: How do we assess the quality of translations? JB: Yes, we should address this. - HTML Access features revision. (No perceived urgency for this). - Galleries: - Need date of review - Snapshot of site - Need communication with Webmaster - Diversity of site types - Diversity of reviewers - Diversity of languages. - Need to do in two stages: get up and running quickly. SD: What are the criteria for selecting sites? Who has the right to review? JB: We do need commercial sites. It would also be good to have govt. sites (but don't want to dominate gallery with them). Who? Should be people who agree to abide by a code of ethics for review. SD: Do we set up a committee? Other meetings to set up. HB: At EBU, work going on about accessible Web sites. We could coordinate (at least in Denmark) with them. Cross-disability review important. E.g., set up a small group in Denmark, try to coordinate with them. IJ: Draw up guidelines. Review in small groups of people with diverse backgrounds, languages, disabilities. SD: Our reviews work as follows: we have a small team (including M. Chambourg, who knows HTML well). BrailleNet people use style sheets to make attractive sites that are accessible. DB supervises. JB: Technical, design, and user expertise working together. SD: I can't see everything on the site when Java is used. I can't tell whether color contrasts are sufficient, etc. So we work together. We also write proposals for how to improve the sites. AG: At TRACE, we've been reviewing sites of supercomputer researchers. Blind user visits site first. But we don't talk to designer immediately. We coordinate other views (sighted, etc.). Then we talk to WC about what can be done to help. So different testers compare experience, do a round of coordination, send suggestions to site manager. JB: Proposal for what to do: a) Language-specific review groups hosted by collaborating organizations. b) Each group (to participate in the network) would have a rep in a "WAI Review Coordination Group" c) Each group would have to have different types of expertise: cross-disability, design, familiarity with WCAG. d) Use WCAG as review criteria. Use reporting tool as review/response form (need in different languages) DP: Is the goal about giving feedback, or just getting a gallery organized? DP: So where do we start to look for sites? JB: People already familiar with sites would nominate them probably. MK: Start with popular sites. DB: In our work we examine a lot of sites of interest to people in France: La Poste, La SNCF, etc. If the sites are nearly accessible, we can work as described by Judy. Also need to classify review by access technology. Dominque: Depends on what tools you are using there is no absolute. We must state our criteria clearly. JB: Yes, we need to discuss selection criteria. Julie: Reviewers by language: by country is more important. If we review our own country's sites we have more leverage. JB: I'd like more comments on that. by country rather than language? AG: We're dealing with affinity groups however they feel affinity. Let them decide. MK: The public using the gallery should be able to send comments to reviewers and site managers. JB: Also, review comments could be fed as input to the WCAG editors. KC: Are we trying to define good and bad practice? Are we creating a lightweight process or a complex one? Perhaps good examples to the public doesn't require such a heavy process. JB: If the public can look at the gallery sites and say "Even though Double-A, I can't use" this is useful to WCAG editors. But risk if two reviewing groups have very differing standards. Perhaps need to distinguish "consensus" from "non-consensus" comments. CMN: We want to say "Here are some good sites." Informal review on a user basis very helpful. Another way is to use the WCAG Checklist. We should be doing both. This is similar to the testing procedures we discussed yesterday. MK: I agree with Charles. I wasn't thinking that the review group would make up their own rules and tell companies. Review groups need guidelines. User comments don't have to be taken as part of formal review, but can still be of interest to companies. DP: A review group should coordinate all communication with the site managers (to avoid confusion). AG: I think too difficult to get groups with cross-disability representation. Local groups of people with similar characteristics probably will stick together. They need to verify their work with WCAG. Knowledge of guidelines crucial for this. JB: I feel differently about this. Technical communities and disability communities have to work together, for example. In-depth understanding comes from diversity. I think we should encourage cross-disability review for a number of reasons. JB: Revised proposal for what to do: a) Language-specific/country-specific review groups hosted by collaborating organizations. b) Each group (to participate in the network) would have a rep in a "WAI Review Coordination Group" c) Each group has one point of contact for review comments. d) Each group would have to have different types of expertise: cross-disability, design, familiarity with WCAG. Good knowledge of access technologies. e) Use WCAG, user feedback as review criteria. Use reporting tool as review/response form (need in different languages) f) Review group gives feedback to WCAG WG g) Review group gives feedback to site managers, noting "consensus" and "non-consensus" comments. CMN: Get cross-disability review by getting different groups to check each other's groups. Will help increase shared knowledge. AG (to WC): Trace has some activity for reviewing sites. Do we want to collaborate? WC: We need to discuss this with Gregg. JH: We would like to participate in this. We do reviews sometimes free, sometimes paying. ST: RNIB does both. It offers a standard service. But where we consider it imperative, we would work with a company to make it happen. Most the time we will charge a company to make its services accessible. Sometimes, however, if the need is very apparent, we'll do it for free. JB: One idea of where reviewers could focus their efforts: W3C Member organizations. This would even accelerate acceptance of guidelines. WC, MK, IJ, CMN: Good idea. AG: We probably need two-tiered system. Lightweight and heavyweight processes. DB: Is the gallery permanent or moving? JB: Moving is essential. Sites need to be re-reviewed with some frequency. Review could expire, e.g., after a month. DB: Should we rotate sites or reward sites that remain accessible. CMN: In general, a good idea to keep it moving. For really good sites, take a snapshot. JB: I think some companies will not want to do this. DP: Site of the month. ND: Create an archive. JB: For expectations, we'll probably do a very simple first round of this. A second stage will roll in more ideas. JB: So - BrailleNet, RNIB, VIIC are committing. WC: Check U. of Toronto AG: Also Raphael, WebWatch. -- Poll: How important is it to get companies to commit publicly to WCAG implementation? Important: 6 Relatively less: 2 Poll: How important is it to get the word spread? Is this more important than the previous point? Poll: How important is targetted promotion? KC: I think this is important. WAI is a good brand. High coverage, acceptance. People probably think W3C is more important than it is. <smil>. If you sell the brand, peers will sell it to one another. Important: 4 JB: Marketing channels are often country-specific. Without coordination, we won't get as much coverage as we'd like. Action Judy: Discuss this topic in a phone conference. Poll: How important are teaching commitments? DP: Yes it's important. But spend more time on it rather than an initial rush. -- On integrating Usability Testing into our work CMN: The site review stuff we just talked about is the way to go. Action DP: Send comments in email. KC: We need to demonstrate end-user benefit, and tie into business case. Do end-user market research on sites shown to be accessible. JB: Do you have USD$40,000? AG: Money could be there if you adopt KC's plan. MK: There are many user-related things we can do. Market research is one end, just talking to users another. Both are needed. Depends on what state of the process you are end. We should set up lists for the reviewers to get feedback from particular user groups when we need it. CMN: Still feels like an activity that belongs in the Evaluation and repair WG. Seems to fit their charter. /* 12 pm End of EO discussion */ ---------- Judy Brewer jbrewer@w3.org +1.617.258.9741 http://www.w3.org/WAI Director, Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) International Program Office World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) MIT/LCS Room NE43-355, 545 Technology Square, Cambridge, MA, 02139, USA
Received on Thursday, 29 July 1999 23:58:28 UTC