- From: Judy Brewer <jbrewer@w3.org>
- Date: Fri, 16 Jul 1999 10:43:35 -0400
- To: w3c-wai-eo@w3.org
- Cc: ij@w3.org, chisholm@trace.wisc.edu, po@trace.wisc.edu
EOWG Meeting, July 16, 1999, Minutes. NOTE #1: EOWG members present at July 16th meeting should check the minutes regarding "Quick Tip" discussion in detail by 2:00 p.m. US EDT, July 16. -- Thank you. NOTE #2: From the "Quick Tips" discussion below, items #8, #10, and #11 are unresolved and must be resolved by 2:00 p.m. US EDT. NOTE #3: Because we didn't get to the WAI home page re-org, please comment on line. Also be on the lookout for SMIL access features note. Present: WL William Loughborough HB Harvey Bingham GF Geoff Freed (at the beginning only?) HBj Helle Bjarnø AC Alan Cantor CMN Charles McCathieNevile MRK Marja-Riitta Koivunen JT Jeffrey Turner KH Karl Hebenstreiht JA Jim Allan JB Judy Brewer 1. Outreach updates WL We got a mention in Ragged Edge. WL, HB (US) FCC announced Rule on Section 255 of Telecommunications Act; it's getting some publicity for technology access. HB Presenting next Tuesday at DAISY Consortium and (US) National Library Services. 2. Action Items review Events Page - JB will follow up with Jim Allan on web site access and to add a last updated site. (CMN will be a back up to get information onto the site). DONE. - JB to send a message to the interest group reminding people to list new events. NOT DONE. - JB will add mention of this right on the WAI home page. DONE. - JB will rename current "event" heading to "history" and include curric. DONE ON NEW DRAFT SITE. WCAG Curriculum. - CL: to ping Phil Jenkins on his promised comments from IBM. DON'T KNOW IF DONE. - SS & MRK: to review and send comments today if possible. MARJA DONE. - CL: to send Judy a message when the final compile and update is ready so she can make some release noises. CL DONE, JB NOT DONE. Outreach updates - CMN: will take notes on this and post to Event's list. DONE. - JB: will owe us an explanation on EITAAC. NOT DONE. Quicktips Card changes - JB: will roll together list of proposed changes and drop the second half and put an "and" between the first two clauses. DONE. ALSO DID A SUMMARY. - DD (CMN) to review the quicktips to see if they are in line with the priorities of the WCAG. NOT DONE, BUT OTHERS DID. WAI Page update - JB: to put a note to the list asking for discussion of and nomination of categories for the WAI page site redesign. SENT OUT A RE-DRAFT INSTEAD. 3. Agenda review. JB Priority is to finish Quick Tips card today, and comment on home page re-org. May have SMIL access features draft later today for review. WAI Overview curriculum not revised yet. WL What's that? JB the on-line presentation I did in April of an overview of WAI; not updated for discussion yet. Purpose of discussion: consider edits needed to correct or clarify existing text, before reprinting large quantity. Constraints: - very very small space; - agree on text by Friday about 3:00 p.m. US EDT.; - text cannot differ from messages or priorities of WCAG 1.0. The following section summarizes all comments received by Friday morning, and proposes a resolution for each item. Comments are (roughly) attributed to individuals and you can look for their rationales in the EOWG mailing list archive at <http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-eo/1999JulSep/>. I've added a few additional replies into the summary, then made a "PROPOSAL." Then at the EOWG meeting today we discussed these, hence, "DISCUSSION." In all but two cases we agreed on something, which is marked "CONSENSUS." Finally, decision on items #8 and #10 were deferred to the mailing list for resolution over the next four hours by EOWG members. I numbered the tips here for easier reference, although they are not numbered on the card, and will not be. Comments & proposal on card: Quick tips to make accessible Web sites JB leave as is. NO DISCUSSION. Will remain. FOR COMPLETE GUIDELINES & CHECKLIST: WWW.W3.ORG/WAI JB leave as is. NO DISCUSSION. Will remain. 1. Images & animations. Use the alt attribute to describe the function of all visuals. HB change "all visuals" to "each visual". DD make "alt" boldface. RN "alt" should be in caps JB other attributes aren't. MM replace "the function" with "both content and function" HB "function or content" but not both. JB as I recall, the Guidelines WG gave us a mandate to use "function" here, e.g., the purpose that the visual serves on a Web page; in some cases it's the same as the content. I looked at the discussion of text equivalents in guideline one of WCAG, it says "The equivalent information must serve the same purpose as the visual or auditory content." so I think "function" wins. PROPOSAL: "Images & animations. Use the _alt_ attribute to describe the function of each visual." DISCUSSION: YES: CMN, HB, HBj, AC WL: Can live w/. WL: drop function entirely: "Use the _alt_ attribute to describe each visual." CMN, MRK: it's important CONSENSUS: "Images & animations. Use the _alt_ attribute to describe the function of each visual." 2. Image maps. Use client-side MAP and text for hotspots. JB Make "MAP" lowercase but keep bold. RN Require redundant text links. add "and alternate text links" JT: Alt text for client side maps (areas) is priority 1. Alternative text links is priority 3 because those areas are generally accessible today. Look at www.ibm.com/sns which has a map across the top. All alt text is displayed in IE with images off, and spoken with screen readers and text browsers. Even without alt text, Lynx, HPR, and others will at least expose the URL's. Your comment seems to be talking about server-side maps - where you would get one alt text. Not using these or providing alterntive text links is priority 1. AG "Use client-side _map_ with text for hotspots." to clarify that the text is in the map. JB originally we put "and" here so it could be interpreted either way (in the map, or as redundant text links). Crude, but that's what I recall as the outcome of an excruciatingly long thread. Looking at the text of 1.5, "Until user agents render text equivalents for client-side image map links, provide redundant text links for each active region of a client-side image map," keeping "and" actually looks truer to the intent. RN Add "links" as follows: "and text links for hotspots." AG Since redundancy is required for the interim, "Use a client-side <em>map</em>, and text links as well as image hotspots." JB Seems that adding "links" would clarify things. Unfortunately it also blows the line-length, wrapping onto the next line, and thereby displacing something else from the card. Is the additional clarity on this sufficient to justify removing something else? If so, what should go...? IJ In all the specs I've worked on, we've adoped the convention that element names are in caps and attributes in small letters (and quoted). JB MAP was looking lonely as the only capitalized element or attribute on the front; but you're right. However, if that means we've got to put little quote marks around all the attributes, hmmm...? AG doesn't have to be true to specification conventions, just needs to be set off. PROPOSAL: "Image maps. Use client-side _map_ and text for hotspots." DISCUSSION: AC Possible to "Use client-side _map_ and text links hotspots." CMN Yes. HBj Difficult to understand AC's proposal. AC Can live with, WL, HB, HBj, JA, MRK HBj What about "map" HB Use small caps MAP. CONSENSUS: "Image maps. Use client-side _MAP_ and text for hotspots." (NB: _MAP_ is in small caps.) 3. Multimedia. Provide captioning and transcripts of audio, descriptions of video, and accessible versions in case inaccessible formats are used. JB drop "accessible versions in case inaccessible formats are used", add "and" before "descriptions, drop that comma, shift the period. GV concern about dropping that phrase. RN "Multimedia. Provide captioning or text transcripts of audio. Descriptions of video may be provided." JB can't change priority of WCAG. AG "Provide captions and transcripts, and descriptions of video." JB I think it's important to emphasize audio-- many people don't think in terms of deaf access. PROPOSAL: "Multimedia. Provide captioning and transcripts of audio, and descriptions of video." WL yes JA yes HB yes HBj yes AC Yes, KH, MRK, CMN CONSENSUS: "Multimedia. Provide captioning and transcripts of audio, and descriptions of video." 4. Hypertext links. Use text that makes sense when read out of context. For instance, do not use "click here." WL Remove "For instance, do not use "click here." HBj Yes on remove, but "include non-link printable characters between adjacent links" JB AG "Use text that makes sense when read out of context, not 'click here.'" PROPOSAL: "Hypertext links. Use text that makes sense when read out of context, not 'click here.'" DISCUSSION: CMN: replace 4 (don't use 'click here') with Write clearly, use images and navigation consistently. PROPOSAL: "Clarity. Write clearly, use images and navigation consistently." Note: There is a deliberate ambiguity in "consistently", between doing it in a manner which is recognisable across the site (very important) and a possible alternative interpretation of doing it throughout a site (which is also important, particularly for the cognitivve disability case.) WL: Clarity is not clear, and the tip isn't concrete. JB Interesting, high-level concept to miss out on. AC Navigation, enticing... WL change "hypertext links" to "navigation". JB Navigation. Use sensible text links, and PROPOSAL: "Hypertext links. Use text that makes sense when read out of context, not 'click here.'" AC likes CMN like sensible JA understandable JT Navigation? MRK, AC, CMN. No. JT e.g, "e.g. CMN "not just click here" WL Links. JB ; for instance, avoid "click here." AC . Avoid "click here." HBj likes for instance. JB me too. HB use terse text ALL hmmmm... AC, HBj, HB prefer for example OPTIONS: 1. Avoid "click here." 2. For example, avoid "click here." HB 2 HBj 2 JA 2 CMN 2 2 wins... consensus front is hypertext links still CONSENSUS: "Hypertext links. Use text that makes sense when read out of context. For example, avoid "click here." 5. Page organization. Use headings, lists, and consistent structure. Use CSS for layout and style where possible. DD Make CSS bold. PROPOSAL: "Page organization. Use headings, lists, and consistent structure. Use _CSS_ for layout and style where possible." DISCUSSION: JA "Page organization. Write clearly, use headings, lists, and consistent structure. Use _CSS_ for layout and style where possible." JB line length problem. HBj write clearly is not page organization. PROPOSAL: "Page organization. Use headings, lists, and consistent structure. Use _CSS_ for layout and style where possible." supporting: CMN, HBj, AC, JA, KH, MRK, WL reluctant, wants to drop "where possible" HB reluctant, wants to drop "CSS" JB you cancel each other out WL, HB: OK CONSENSUS: "Page organization. Use headings, lists, and consistent structure. Use _CSS_ for layout and style where possible." 6. Graphs & charts. Summarize or use the longdesc attribute. HBj Why is "longdesc" in bold? All attribute names should be the same. See also "title" and "name" under Frames. JB ?they are the same; they're all in bold, no? PROPOSAL: "Graphs & charts. Summarize or use the _longdesc_ attribute." DISCUSSION: CONSENSUS: "Graphs & charts. Summarize or use the _longdesc_ attribute." 7. Scripts, applets, & plug-ins. Provide alternative content in case active features are inaccessible or unsupported. PROPOSAL: "Scripts, applets, & plug-ins. Provide alternative content in case active features are inaccessible or unsupported." DISCUSSION: HB applets inappropriate term JB best comprimise from previous discussion CONSENSUS: "Scripts, applets, & plug-ins. Provide alternative content in case active features are inaccessible or unsupported." 8. Frames. Label with the title or name attribute. PROPOSAL: "Frames. Label with the _title_ or _name_ attribute." PROPOSAL: "Frames. Use _title_ or _name_ attribute, and _noframe_. DISCUSSION CMN Use _noframes_ PROPOSAL: "Frames. Use _noframe_, and _title_ or _name_ attribute. HB Use small caps for NOFRAME. JB Noframe not priority one. ?? Not even a checkpoint; a technique AC How'd it fall out of the guidelines JB We can't use the card to disagree with the guidelines. PROPOSAL: Leave as is. NOT IN CONSENSUS: WL, AC, CMN, HB, KH, JB Discussion will continue over next four hours on EOWG mailing list. The dissenters should propose a resolution that can will the support of other active EOWG members and to which at least the editors of WCAG can agree. Can also involve the Guidelines WG on this item if needed. ALL Agreed. 9. Tables. Make line by line reading sensible. Summarize. Avoid using tables for column layout. JB drop "avoid using tables for column layout" and add hyphens to "line-by-line." RN how does this impact "colgroup" PROPOSAL: "Tables. Make line by line reading sensible. Summarize." DISCUSSION: ?? Why drop "avoid..." JB It's no longer consistent with 5.5 and 10.3 of the guidelines. That's not quite what we say anymore. The screen readers caught up more on table unwrapping. AC hyphens are missing. JB Oops! PROPOSAL: "Tables. Make line-by-line reading sensible. Summarize." CONSENSUS: "Tables. Make line-by-line reading sensible. Summarize." 10. Check your work. Validate the HTML. Use evaluation tools and text-only browsers to verify accessibility. JB add more incentive for them to go to the source: add "against complete guidelines" and then the URI for the guidelines following "check your work." GV need URL to send them back to the guidelines! HBj good idea to add URL, but why just mention text browsers? JB because that's all we had room for on the card. MM add "navigate using mouse only" HB No. "Mouse only" is no less significant than "voice command only" or "keyboard only" for navigation. MM Perhaps further append "If you can't validate with a screen reader, ask your colleague to play the role of screen reader software and operate with your eyes closed." HB don't add it... PROPOSAL: "Check work against complete guidelines www.w3.org/TR/WAI-WEBCONTENT. Validate HTML. Use evaluation tools and text-only browsers to verify accessibility." [this may not fit...!] DISCUSSION: HB add write clearly. CMN text-only browsers are as common an evaluation tool as Bobby. But checking in a few different tools is not a very good test, and checking thoroughly in different environments is not practical. PROPOSAL change 10 (validate work) to Validate. Use evaluation tools, WCAG checklist. JB Where can we add URI. PROPOSAL Check your work. www.w3.org/TR/WAI-WEBCONTENT Validate. Use evaluation tools, WCAG checklist. JB Ran out of time. Discussion to continue on EOWG list. Need conclusion by 2:00 p.m. US EDT today. 11. Additions? HBj Guideline 7 "Ensure user control of time-sensitive content change" JB There are several guidelines (as opposed to checkpoints) that we don't get near on the Quick Tips card: color, language, time-sensitivity, interim solutions, W3C technologies, keep it clear & simple. While these don't all directly intersect with priority one, some do. Really hard to know where to start & stop. If we take one phrase off of tables & one off multi-media, but don't add too much to "check your work" then we _might_ have space for a short additional item--if we can agree on which one it is, and agree on the wording. PROPOSAL: No additions. JB: NOTE! We didn't get to this! I don't think there is any more space for these, but if any comments, speak up quickly! cW3C (MIT, INRIA, Keio) [no change] 1999/02 [change to 1999/07] - Judy ---------- Judy Brewer jbrewer@w3.org +1.617.258.9741 http://www.w3.org/WAI Director, Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) International Program Office World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) MIT/LCS Room NE43-355, 545 Technology Square, Cambridge, MA, 02139, USA
Received on Friday, 16 July 1999 10:44:16 UTC