50 States Quarters

Went live with the 50 State Quarters Interactive Map.  This uses macromedia
flash and provides alternative ways to view the information in text tables.
So you can have graphics off.  Overall the interactive map is close to "AA"
conformance, but that darn rapid application development cycle nipped our
heels and had us in a death grip!  Last minute structural changes blew away
object alt tags and javascript compliance.  We need to do a top down review
of all pages again and pick up those missing things.

This will take some time, but will get it done. A learning experience in
building large scale web application for the web.

Please enter through the main US Mint web page, http://www.usmint.gov  via
the client side image map link for 50 States.   Then go to another image map
and select 50 States Interactive Map First time user.  These image map will
change soon.  Now you are in!!!  or go directly to it via

One note the main page uses forms and input type=image.  Beleive it or not
this passes Bobby and WCAG. go figure.

let me know what you think.  we have some work to polish this some.


Received on Friday, 9 July 1999 00:24:00 UTC