Fwd: HTML Accessibility Guidelines

This looks like an issue for the Education and Outreach
group, although possibly it's one for the Guidelines group.

It's much easier for people to do things if they can see
the reasons why -- current guideline versions don't fully
explain the "why" for each checkpoint, and so some things
don't seem to make very much sense.

(Identifying info stripped from the following forwarded

>i found your e-mail off of the w3c-wai-ig mailing list and noticed that you 
>taught a course throught the html writters guild on designing accessible web 
>pages.  i am working on a research project about the new html accessibility 
>guidelines and thought that you might be able to point me to a good resource 
>or even better answer my question.  i am looking for some of the reasoning 
>behind some of the the guidelines. specifically i am trying to understand 
>what is the benefit of adding the title attribute to the frame tag.  this is 
>12.1 of the guidelines.  i have not been able to find the "why this is 
>important" for several of the points on the w3c's site.  any pointers to or 
>information you could pass on would be greatly appreciated.
Kynn Bartlett                                    mailto:kynn@hwg.org
President, HTML Writers Guild                    http://www.hwg.org/
AWARE Center Director                          http://aware.hwg.org/

Received on Thursday, 17 June 1999 16:12:55 UTC