checkpoint 13.1 link text

This is my first attempt to the list and maybe it's a little besides the
ongoing discussions. I've been on the list since May 21.
Yesterday I was looking at a Danish website with JFW together with a blind
computer expert here we found that on some of the text links they had used
the title attribute with the result that if You jump from link to link with
the TAB key JFW speaks the "title" and when You use the link list option
(Insert + F7 keys in JFW) the link is shown and spoken with the link shown
on the screen. This causes confusion when a link does not have the same name
when found with different techniques. Also we discussed the confusion it
will bring when a sighted and a blind person is working or referring to a
web page where they hear and see different names for the same links. It will
also confuse the JFW user when the same link have different names depending
on what technique You use to find the link. I send this question/comment not
knowing if this is the right forum. I've looked at the archive files and at without finding any
mentioning of this problem. I'm going to advice the webmaster on what to do
and also discuss the issue with a workgroup under the Danish State
Information Service where we are working on a set of guidelines for Danish
State and governmental institutions on how to make accessible web sites. The
Danish guidelines will be based on the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines
1.0 and related papers from WAI. For Your information all blind PC windows
users in Denmark uses JFW, because it is the only product that has been
localized and work with the Danish language.

Kind regards

Helle Bjarnø
Videncenter for Synshandicap / Visual Impairment Information Centre
Rymarksvej 1, DK-2900 Hellerup, Denmark
tlf: +45 39 40 31 00
fax: +45 39 61 94 14
e-mail: /

Received on Thursday, 3 June 1999 07:56:57 UTC