
Paris, 14 May 1999

"The power of the Web is in its universality. Access by everyone regarding
of disability is an essential aspect. (W3C). There is considerable ongoing
work in this area by the Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) of the
World-Wide Web Consortium.

This most notably includes :
- WAI Page Author Guidelines Working Draft
- WAI User Agent Guidelines Working Draft
- WAI Authoring Tool Guidelines Working Draft

Standardization work in relation to Internet access should take this work
into account. "

This reference has been incorporated in a very first draft of an ISO/IEC
guide on taking into account the needs of the elderly and people with
disabilities in standardization, currently being drafted by the ISO-COPOLCO
Working Group.

This needs to be monitored. European Blind Union (EBU) will see to it that
this reference is maintained in upcoming drafts.

Director, EBU Office

Received on Friday, 14 May 1999 06:29:02 UTC