- From: Judy Brewer <jbrewer@w3.org>
- Date: Thu, 17 Dec 1998 15:47:46 -0500
- To: w3c-wai-eo@w3.org
- Cc: chisholm@trace.wisc.edu
WAI EO: Please review & be prepared to discuss at our meeting tomorrow Dec 18. This script draft is from Pacifica Films. I've not yet sent in my own comments on it; let's gather our comments & send tomorrow a.m. Judy ---------------- THIRD DRAFT OF SCRIPT FOR 10-MINUTE FILM ABOUT WEBSITE ACCESSIBILITY FOR PEOPLE WITH PHYSICAL DISABILITIES. ____________________________________________________________________ Start with a fast-moving, colourful, image-loaded montage of web pages (WITH MUSIC) CUT TO OPENING TITLE WEBSITES THAT WORK! CUT TO MONTAGE: exterior cyber cafe, youngsters playing computer games, website pages with fast scrolling text, people in a cyber cafe, close ups of sighted/able bodied people staring at screens, close ups of hands clicking on mouses (or should it be mice?) and hands typing on keyboards, the satellite centre at Docklands and all the connecting telephone wires at Telecom House. ALL CUT TO SPECIALLY COMPOSED MUSIC which is interwoven with "GETTING CONNECTED' high-tech sounds. Voice over: The Internet. the World Wide Web. TheTechnological Revolution has had as big an impact on our daily lives in the twentieth century as the Industrial Revolution did for the Victorians. This impact will be even greater as we enter the twenty first. CUT TO person in wheelchair (Geoff?) using nose or stick to operate keyboard. Or, even better, using remote control to open door or answer telephone, close curtains etc. Maybe a shot of a blind person using a talking microwave. However, from electric wheelchairs to computers, technology has truly transformed the lives of people with physical disabilities, enabling people to do things that would once have been very difficult or even impossible. CUT TO: C/U "Public Library" sign and pull out to reveal lots of steps, with able-bodied people running up and down. CUT TO: Person in wheelchair (Geoff?) finding information on the world wide web. We start with C/u screen and tilt down or pull out to see him operating the keyboard with his nose and see that he's in awheelchair. And, with the advent of the world wide web,the steps at the public library are no longer a barrier to gaining knowledge. CUT TO: C/U hands using keyboard. tilt up or cut to see that it's a different person i.e. a blind person e.g. PETER BOSHER using his computer with keyboard and synthetic voice. He's logged on to an accessible website (the RNIB for example!). We hear the synthetic voice. Nowadays, advances in technology mean that even blind people can have access to the same wealth of information as sighted people. Access Technology enables totally blind people to 'read' text, by converting it into speech. CUT BACK TO: PETER BOSHER trying to get onto an inaccessible website, such as The Mirror or the BBC. We see lots of images and hear the synthetic voice saying, "image, image, image" VOICE OVER: But websites have to be designed to allow the access technology to work! This is one of the things that happens when they're not! CUT TO: exterior Massachussetts Institute of Technology. CUT TO: Judy Brewer going in to the building. VOICE OVER: The Website Accessibility Initiative was set up to promote awareness of, and campaign for, the right of everyone, whatever their disability, to have access to the world wide web. (or, simply, "Judy Brewer runs the Website Accessibility Initiative from MIT in Boston" and let her say the above.) CUT TO: Judy Brewer PTC (piece to camera) talking about the origins and aims of WAI. That it was set up by the White House and the EU (?) and is backed by the World Wide Web Consortium. Mentions the Americans with Disabilities Act. CUT TO: shot of Judy sending e-mail to Peter Bosher. CUT TO : hi-tech shot of satellites at Docklands and telephone wires at telecom House (in England) CUT TO: Exterior of Peter's house. The previous three shots have a mixture of high-tech sounds and specially composed music. CUT TO: Peter Bosher at work. (Have to recce 'Soundlinks' first). Peter Bosher is Chairman of the British Computer Society for the Blind and is also involved in the Website Accessibility Initiative. CUT TO: Peter Bosher talking about why it's important to have accessible websites. Talks about the old methods when he was at school and how the internet has opened up all kinds of possibilities and opportunities and made him more independent, not having to rely on other (sighted) people. Use some as V/O over shots of him working. CUT TO: exterior shot of RNIB in Great Portland street and see Julie enter the building. CUT TO: interior Julie Howell at work. (Begin with C/U shot of RNIB website). VOICE OVER: Julie Howell is website designer at the Royal National Institute for the Blind in London. CUT TO: Julie talking to camera, explaining what she does. Then she goes through the main points. Something like, "There are a few simple things to bear in mind in order to make the www/internet accessible to everyone." The next sequence will consist of Julie's voice over, listing the requirements, with shots of what she's describing: START WITH talking about using captions for deaf people (WE SEE THIS) then go on to the requirements for blind/visually impaired people: e.g. Why you shouldn't use columns, with a shot of Peter listening to his voice machine reading across columns and it coming out gobblydegook. (e.g. "Des Lynham is an aquarium") CUT TO BBC website,with Julie explaining why it's bad. Or 10-Downing Street or The Mirror. CUT TO: Julie PTC explaining that the BBC is writing a special programme. CUT TO New improved BBC website. Julie explains the improvements. Intercut with shots of Peter using the keyboard and close ups of what she's describing. The synthetic voice reading links. (Don't have 'click here'!) Separating links. (i.e. keeping them separate) Using a text alternative to pictures. (But explains why sighted people need pictures!) Don't use tables. Don't use frames (especially don't hide links inside frames!) CUT TO: Peter Bosher talking about PW Webspeak and Brookstalk. CUT TO: satellite/telecom shots with music and high-tech sounds? (as punctuation) CUT TO: close up of magnified screen. Pull out or tilt up to see an elderly man writing an e-mail to a pen-pal. (someone inthe next shot) VOICE OVER (Julie): talks about people with partial sight (such as the elderly) using magnification and talks about flexibility (choosing colour combinations and text size). CUT TO: e-mail being received . We see it on screen, then cut to recipient,replying , by using voice recognition. Voice over explaining website accessibility via voice recognition for people who can't use the keyboard. CUT TO MUSIC SEQUENCE. MONTAGE of shots of the elderly partially sighted man choosing colour and/or text size options, shopping on the internet and visiting a website related to a hobby. (Gardening tips or a cookery site, perhaps, or something more exciting, such as Harley-Davidson or Classic Cars?) INTERCUT WITH Person in wheelchair using voice recognition. They are communicating with each other! CUT TO close up of the Booby Approved logo, followed by the check list on screen. Julie in voice over explains that it's a website that 'polices' other websites for accessibility, identifying problems and suggesting solutions and giving accessible websites a slap on the back by awarding them the 'Bobby Approved' logo, which they can then display on their site. CUT back to Julie wrapping up. Talks about how accessibility doesn''t have to mean boring. End with a montage: close ups of Peter Bosher, Geoff Busby and the partially sighted person intercut with close ups of websites, keyboards, the satellite centre at Docklands and the telecom centre. ALL CUT TO MUSIC WITH 'GETTING CONNECTED' SOUNDS. VOICE OVER: For further information on making your websites available to everyone, contact Judy Brewer at the Website Accessibility Initiative, Julie Howell at the RNIB or go to these sites: CUT TO: captions (with music) of website addresses: RNIB WAI W3C Accessibility Developments. Produced by Pacifica Films for the Sensory Disabilities Research Unit at the University of Hertfordshire. http://phoenix.herts.ac.uk/PsyDocs/sdru/index.html ---------- Judy Brewer jbrewer@w3.org +1.617.258.9741 http://www.w3.org/WAI Director, Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) International Program Office World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) MIT/LCS Room NE43-355, 545 Technology Square, Cambridge, MA, 02139, USA
Received on Thursday, 17 December 1998 15:46:41 UTC