Re: Reference card, version 3

I too prefer Alan's  order overall, but would put 6 and 7 (frames and links)
before 4 and 5 (tables and graphs/charts).

Also, for clarity, under "Hypertext Links", I suggest changing "Descriptive
links" to "descriptive link-names".

Otherwise excellent!

On 1998-10-14 said:
   >> Alan,
   >> You did a great job of incorporating as much advice as you
   >>possibly could  after last weeks meeting.  My only suggestion
   >>would be a reordering of the  points (if possible).  I suggest:
   >> 1.,3.,5.,8.,6.,4.,7.,2.,9.
   >I actually like the current order better.
   >> This would make the card (more or less) reflect the organization
   >>and  ordering of the corresponding points in the full PA Guideline
   >I understand, but the PA guidelines are richly structured and this
   >card is more like a flat list, that's why I prefer this order.

Received on Thursday, 15 October 1998 07:03:55 UTC