EOWG: Background on WAI-TIDE/RNIB videos


Background on WAI-TIDE/RNIB videos:

This is a report on a discussion with a film-maker, Christine Booth, for
two videos that have been commissioned by RNIB, through the University of
Hertfordshire, partly as WAI-TIDE deliverables and partly with other RNIB
resources. Kevin or Steve, please correct as necessary; I am also faxing
this to Christine (no e-mail at present). A few questions for EOWG follow. 




Both videos:
- are in early stages of planning development: Oct--research & planning;
Nov--shooting; Dec--post-production;
- will be 10 minutes long;
- will have a voice-over that is available in several different languages,
to be determined which ones; 
- (?) will be captioned (to be confirmed);
- (?) will have video description (to be confirmed);
- (?) will be cross-disability (to be confirmed);
- will be available over the Web; format to be determined (suggested SMIL);
- will be finished by December 31;
- will point to WAI home page for key resources. 

Video #1: 
- will provide an overview of WAI, and a technical overview of how to do
accessible Web site design;

Video #2:
- will provide the business perspective and regulatory perspective on why
it is important to address Web accessibility;

Interaction with WAI:
- film-maker will welcome EOWG comment on both scripts;
- film-maker is interested in looking at other WAI EOWG resources:
suggestions include business case as it develops; curriculum slide sets;
reference card; etc., as reference materials for script development.

Questions for EOWG:
- realizing that planning is still in an early stage, any suggestions on
"be sure to include" content for either video? (or "be sure not to include")
- suggestions regarding presentation or dissemination?

Judy Brewer    jbrewer@w3.org    +1.617.258.9741    http://www.w3.org/WAI
Director, Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) International Program Office
World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
MIT/LCS Room NE3-355, 545 Technology Square, Cambridge, MA, 02139, USA

Received on Wednesday, 7 October 1998 14:11:04 UTC