More Demography

At 02:06 PM 8/20/98 +0100, you wrote:
>By far the best and most up to date account of the epidemiology of
>blindness is to be found in the recently published 'The Epidemiology of
>Eye Disease' edited by Gordon J. Johnson, Darwin C. Minassian and Robert
>Weale, Chapman & Hall Medical, London, Weinheim, New York, Tokyo,
>Melbourne, Madras, 1998.

Probably more recent than my statistics. I just got off the phone with the
U.S. National Eye Institute's information office. The number, BTW, is (301)
496-5248. Ask for Michael Coogan.
Most of these statistics seem to be as of 1994 and are approximated:

1.7 Million Americans have age-related macular degeneration
3M have glaucoma and 1/2 don't know it
900,000 are legally blind
100,000 are totally blind or only have the ability to perceive light but
not formed images
24,000 are blinded annually by diabetic retinopathy

He said there were tons of statistics but that they didn't have them on
their Web site nor did he have a fact sheet he could fax me. Personally, I
think it's a shame.

In the mean time, I will see if I could find more recent statistics elsewhere.

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