Re: 1st draft of reference card

Just a quick comment on the context (for people that might be worried
seeing this message that we're redefining a prioritized/simplified
version of the Page Author Guidelines in EO): this is really useful to
give us an idea of what a quick reference card stack would look like
but the exact content will have to be generated in close coordination
with the GL group.

> There will probably be some problems with the formatting. To facilitate
> navigation for this text version the main headings are numbered and appear
> as follows so if you use the number and first letter  you should be able to
> move through the sections:
> 1 Use meaningful alt text for pictures
> 2 Use alt text with applets
> 3 Provide keyboard shortcuts
> 4 Make text easy to read
> 5 Provide easy navigation and links
> 6 Using frames and tables
> 7 Get more information
> ...

Received on Thursday, 30 July 1998 15:47:41 UTC