Information: Invest in East of China

English & Chinese Mail


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Mail From: 
Mr. Yuan zhiming(袁之明) 
Assistant Director
CHINA EAST INDUSTRIAL ZONE & Foreign Enterprises Service Center  
China Mobil: 13616263058 
Tel: +86 512-57302721,57672121 
Fax: +86 512-57302721,57671310 

CHINA EAST INDUSTRIAL ZONE & Foreign Enterprises Service Center Seeking... 

Dear Sirs, 

We are seeking to make business relationships with you. 
We get to know you more from your company's web site. 

Nowadays, N-American/European/Japanese/S-Korean investors are stronger and stronger to seeking the possibilities of investment & business relations with us. 

We know that you need professional & lawful investment information and we will do our best for your investment projects. As a government organization we are, we are pleased to invite you to China East Industrial Zone have a business visit. You will meet American / European /Japanese / Taiwanese companies do business here very well and know more of us all free professional service. 

- If you have a plan about invest in China: 
- If you are seeking more information for your investment project; 
- If you are seeking the possibilities of establishing investment business relations; 
- If you are looking for a No. 1 industrial zone ... 

* Please e-mail & Fax your message to us soon. 
* We will answer your message professional and contact you directly. 
* More and more international companies begin to access by our service. 

- We sincerely hope your products and any possible investment project will get into the Chinese market which is the biggest one of the world. 

- If you invest or establish a new company in this one of the best and hottest developing area of China, it is one of the best way for your worldwide business. 

- There is lot of information here and we will be adding a lot of more for you. And more investment project copies & CD-Rom about China East Industrial Zone are ready to sent you as we get your business mail. 

- Whenever you think we can help. If you require any other assistance, just let us know. If you have any comments, questions on how we can do it better for you. You can also contact us any way. 
Please provide the following information to send us, 
1. Country Name: 
2. Company Name: 
3. Web Site: 
4. Post Address: 
5. Contact Person: 
6. E-mail: 
7. Tel & Fax: 
8. Brief of your investment project: 

We are always delighted to hear what you want and need and look forward to receiving your business mail. Please feel at home to enjoy our services and send us your comments and suggestions. It is our sincere wish that we will have the privilege of serving you soon. 

Best Regards! 

Yours truly, 
Ming. Yuan Zhiming 


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Received on Tuesday, 4 June 2002 01:57:01 UTC