Minutes of the AUWG meeting of 19 August 2013

The AUWG had an informative meeting today.  Jeanne gave an update on the 
timeline for getting to CR.  W3C staff have determined that 3 of the 
changes to ATAG since Last Call were substantive and required a 
publication of ATAG. This can be a short comment period of 2-3 weeks. 
As long as no objections are received, we can proceed to CR after 
comments close.

I was scribing and talking, and the IRC minutes were a little sketchy. 
Please contact me if you have questions.


Minutes: http://www.w3.org/2013/08/19-au-minutes.html

Text of minutes:


       [1] http://www.w3.org/

                                - DRAFT -

   Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines Working Group Teleconference

19 Aug 2013

    See also: [2]IRC log

       [2] http://www.w3.org/2013/08/19-au-irc


           Jeanne, Tom, Jutta, Cherie

           Alastair, Tim




      * [3]Topics
          1. [4]Update on CR publication
          2. [5]clarification of the rationale for the updates to
          3. [6]update on EOWG comments
          4. [7]Updates on implemenations
          5. [8]clarification of the rationale for the updates to
      * [9]Summary of Action Items

    <trackbot> Date: 19 August 2013

Update on CR publication

    A representative of the Director of W3C (who approves documents
    progressing to the next stage) said that we had Substantive
    changes that require publishing a Working Draft. It can be
    published quickly with a 2-3 week comment period. We can then
    publish CR.

clarification of the rationale for the updates to B.2.5.2

    JS: B.2.4.4 and B.2.5.1 removed an accessibility selection
    mechanism. B.2.5.2 seems to add an accessibility selection
    mechanism. Jeanne was asked why this inconsistency.
    ... I was unsure about the history of the change and would like
    to ask the working group about this change.

    [no one else remembers the rationale for the change]

    Jeanne will contact Jan (who is on vacation)

update on EOWG comments


      [10] http://www.w3.org/WAI/EO/wiki/ATAG_review

Updates on implementations

    no new updates on implementations

    JT: I have a contact from Desire 2 Learn and they are going to
    look at the Criteria and see what has been addressed in their
    new release.

clarification of the rationale for the updates to B.2.5.2

    Important changes document jeanne prepared for W3C <-

      [11] http://www.w3.org/WAI/AU/2013/LastCall2CRdiffs.html

Summary of Action Items

    [End of minutes]

Received on Monday, 19 August 2013 18:29:02 UTC