minutes of AUWG teleconference of 25 March 2013


Text of Minutes:


       [1] http://www.w3.org/

                                - DRAFT -

                                  WAI AU

25 Mar 2013

    See also: [2]IRC log

       [2] http://www.w3.org/2013/03/25-au-irc


           Jeanne, Jan, Greg, Jutta, Alex

           Tim_B., Cherie_E.

           Jutta Treviranus



      * [3]Topics
          1. [4]1. Re-chartering update (Jeanne)
          2. [5]2. Implementation report (Jan)
          3. [6]Plenary program (China 2013)
          4. [7]Review the SCs where there are no known
      * [8]Summary of Action Items

    <scribe> Agenda:

    JT: We have a short agenda today and lots of work to do

    <scribe> scribe: Jan

1. Re-chartering update (Jeanne)

    JS: Draft charter has been turned in and is starting on process
    ... But no comments back yet

    JT: Issues expected?

    JS: Prob timelines ....there are always comments

2. Implementation report (Jan)

    JT: Next major work...



    JR: Please send your info

    JT: OVer the last few months there have been discussions of
    many exemplars
    ... Since Greg, Alex are here...can we talk about some

    GP: I will take a stab at the indesign column...

    JS: Are there specific things InDesign excels at?
    ... Are there specific things InDesign excels at?

    GP: Excels at accessible content production.

    JT: Areas we need?

    JR: Especially templates

    AL: Why 2010?

    JR: Out of date

    AL: We have 2013 out
    ... Off top of my head...
    ... B4.1.1 should be yes
    ... Possible Cherie and I could look at it

    JR: Is Sharepoint still the right tool

    AL: Will defer to Cherie

    JT: Alex and Greg can you commit to giving us some more entries
    over the next 2 wks (by Apr 8)

    GP: Yes, will do?
    ... Yes, will do

    AL: Need to talk to Cherie

    JS: Could you do other tools?

    AL: Will see...resources...lots of other things going on

Plenary program (China 2013)

    JS: I updated Judy that we want to be on the agenda
    ... TPAC Wiki has not opened yet
    ... Will still use structured unconference format...which makes
    it easier for us to get on the agenda

    JT: Other things to discuss today?

Review the SCs where there are no known implementations

    <jeanne> JR: A.1.1.1 we don't have an AAA

    <jeanne> AL: We can mirror the language in WCAG about sites
    which do not implement AAA

    AL: Mirror WCAG AAA language

    <jeanne> A.1.2.1. and A.1.2.2 Amaya, Open Office

    <jeanne> A.2.2.1 looking for examples of icons marking spelling
    or other corrections.

    <jeanne> GP: Dreamweaver has moved away from that, but there
    are still some.

    <jeanne> A.3.3.1 need video editing tools that don't play right

    <jeanne> JS: What about Flash and Premiere? Wouldn't they meet

    <jeanne> ... also new IBM tool for captioning videos

    <jeanne> A.3.2.2 need examples of adjustable timing.

    <jeanne> B.2.4 and B.2.5 we need examples of accessibile
    templates and accessible content like UI widget libraries.

    <jeanne> B.4.1.3 Feature Deactivation warning - most tools
    don't allow it.

    <jeanne> JS: Wordpress and Drupal have templates. I need to
    check if the Drupal templates are more about the user
    intereface rather than user document templates.

    JT: Maybe also talk to EO about showing off example

    <jeanne> JT: Talk to EO about ATAG compliant tools. Could we
    start a thread of ATAG compliant tools and what is available.

    JT: Next call Apr 8

Summary of Action Items

    [End of minutes]

Received on Monday, 25 March 2013 19:44:30 UTC