Tests for ATAG A.3.6.2 & A.3.6.3

A.3.6.2 Save Settings:

If the authoring tool includes display and/or control settings, then 
these settings can be saved between authoring sessions. (Level AA)

Test 0001 Assertion: Preferences for display or control settings can be 
saved between authoring sessions. @@ does it need a separate tests for 
Web and non-Web?

Test 0001 Author: Jeanne Spellman

Test 0001 Steps:

Determine (from the user interface or documentation) whether the 
authoring tool includes settings that affect how the user interface or 
the content being edited is perceived by the author. If these settings 
exist, then document them. If not, then select SKIP.

For each set of preferences or control settings: Does the preference or 
preference group include a control to allow the settings to be saved? If 
so, select PASS.

Make a change to a setting, then logout or end the authoring session.

Return back to the content being edited and see if the setting change 
has persisted. If the setting change has persisted then select PASS. If 
the settings remain at the default or the change that you made in step 
2.2 is no longer in effect, then select FAIL.

A.3.6.3 Apply Platform Settings:

The authoring tool respects changes in platform display and control 
settings, unless authors select more specific display and control 
settings using the authoring tool. (Level AA)

Test 0001 Assertion: If the user makes a change to the platform display 
or control settings, then those changes appear in the authoring tool. If 
the user makes a change to the platform display or control settings and 
that change does NOT appear in the authoring tool, then the authoring 
tool has more specific display and control settings inside the authoring 

Test 0001 Author: Jeanne Spellman

Test 0001 Steps:

If the platform for the authoring tool does not allow changes to the 
platofrm display or control settings then select SKIP. [This should be 
rare that a platform does not allow any customization.]

Change the platform (e.g. the Windows, Mac OS, ot mobile device) 
accessibility settings(e.g to high contrast mode or another settings 
change) from the platform accessibility options. Record the change made.

Launch the authoring tool and observe whether the change made in step 2 
is present in the display or controls of the authoring tool. If yes, 
select PASS.

If the change made to the display or control settings in step 2 is not 
visible, then open the preference or settings menu. If the authoring 
tool allows more advanced customization that allowed by the platform, 
select PASS.

If the authoring tool does not allow more customization of that setting 
or control that the platform, select FAIL.

Received on Monday, 12 November 2012 19:55:00 UTC