- From: Richards, Jan <jrichards@ocadu.ca>
- Date: Tue, 24 Jul 2012 20:52:26 +0000
- To: "w3c-wai-au@w3.org" <w3c-wai-au@w3.org>
Hi all, Yesterday, after we had agreed that "B.4.1.3 Feature Availability Information" poses a testability challenge, I took an action to "suggest combination of B.4.1.3 Feature Availability Information and B.1.2.1 Restructuring and Recoding Transformations (WCAG)".... This seemed to make sense because - the purpose of "B.4.1.3 Feature Availability Information" is to protect authors from thinking that they are using an ATAG2.0 conforming tool (that conforms format A), when in fact they are authoring format B, which the authoring tool does not provide accessibility support for (even if other authoring tools do), and - authors get into these situations at points when formats are initially chosen or changed (e.g. at a transformation point covered by B.4.1.3). But, actually, I think adding more to B.1.2.1 would make it too complicated. It already has two IF conditions, four (a)-(d) options and two notes(!). Instead, I'm looking at this " B.4.1.1 Features Active by Default: All accessible content support features are turned on by default. (Level A) " Perhaps we could strengthen the "default" behaviour requirement by prohibiting conformance when the default web content technology(ies) are excluded from the conformance claim? E.g.: 6. A list of the *web content technologies produced by the authoring tool that are included in the claim*. If there are any web content technologies produced by the authoring tool that are *not included* in the conformance claim, these must be listed separately. <NEW>If the authoring tool produces any web content technologies by default, then these must be *included*.</NEW> Cheers, Jan (MR) JAN RICHARDS PROJECT MANAGER INCLUSIVE DESIGN RESEARCH CENTRE (IDRC) T 416 977 6000 x3957 F 416 977 9844 E jrichards@ocadu.ca Twitter @OCAD Facebook www.facebook.com/OCADUniversity OCAD UNIVERSITY 205 Richmond Street West, 2nd Floor, Toronto, Canada M5V 1V3 www.ocadu.ca idrc.ocadu.ca
Received on Tuesday, 24 July 2012 20:52:50 UTC