- From: Jeanne Spellman <jeanne@w3.org>
- Date: Mon, 23 Jul 2012 16:22:50 -0400
- To: AUWG <w3c-wai-au@w3.org>
Minutes: http://www.w3.org/2012/07/23-au-minutes.html Text of Minutes [1]W3C [1] http://www.w3.org/ - DRAFT - WAI AU 23 Jul 2012 [2]Agenda [2] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-au/2012JulSep/0014.html See also: [3]IRC log [3] http://www.w3.org/2012/07/23-au-irc Attendees Present Alex, Cherie, Greg, Jan, Jeanne, Jutta Regrets Sueann, N. Chair Jan Richards Scribe Jan Contents * [4]Topics 1. [5]1. AUWG test development to prepare for entering CR: 2. [6]2. SC's that we might flag as a result of test writing * [7]Summary of Action Items __________________________________________________________ <jeanne> [8]http://www.w3.org/WAI/AU/2012/ATAG20tests/ATAG2-10April2012P ublicWD-Tests-rev20120723 [8] http://www.w3.org/WAI/AU/2012/ATAG20tests/ATAG2-10April2012PublicWD-Tests-rev20120723 <jeanne> [9]http://www.w3.org/WAI/AU/2012/ATAG20tests/ATAG2-10April2012P ublicWD-Tests-rev20120723 [9] http://www.w3.org/WAI/AU/2012/ATAG20tests/ATAG2-10April2012PublicWD-Tests-rev20120723 [10]http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-au/2012JulSep/0 014.html [10] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-au/2012JulSep/0014.html <scribe> Scribe: Jan 1. AUWG test development to prepare for entering CR: 2. SC's that we might flag as a result of test writing - B.4.1.3 Feature Availability Information: If the authoring tool supports production of any web content technologies for publishing for which the authoring tool does not provide support for the production of accessible web content (WCAG), then this is documented. (Level AA) Note: This success criterion concerns the presence or absence of support features, such as accessibility checkers, not any intrinsic property of web content technologies. @ISSUE: This is tricky because the SC just says "support for production", not that the production of the other format needs to meet ATAG 2.0. This makes some sense because if it did imply ATAG 2.0 conformance then to do an ATAG 2.0 conformance check on any format for a tool would actually require doing one on all of them. But, what, then, does "support" mean? One (weak) possibility is [the... scribe: test I wrote]... that accessible content be possible. Another (stronger) possibility is that a "supported" format has to have checking (even if it is manual checking). If that's what we mean...I think we should fix the SC to say that. ([11]http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-au/2012JulSep/ 0013.html) [11] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-au/2012JulSep/0013.html) JR, AL: Discuss the issue... [12]http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-au/2012JulSep/0 013.html [12] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-au/2012JulSep/0013.html <jeanne> Definitions for testing ->[13]http://www.w3.org/WAI/AU/CR20/TestPrep.html [13] http://www.w3.org/WAI/AU/CR20/TestPrep.html JS: Has added the definition into the page above. B.4.1.3 Feature Availability Information: If the authoring tool supports production of any web content technologies for publishing for which the authoring tool does not provide support for the production of accessible web content (WCAG), then this is documented. (Level AA) Note: This success criterion concerns the presence or absence of support features, such as accessibility checkers, not any intrinsic property of web content technologies. @ISSUE: This is tricky because the SC just says "support for production", not that the production of the other format needs to meet ATAG 2.0. This makes some sense because if it did imply ATAG 2.0 conformance then to do an ATAG 2.0 conformance check on any format for a tool would actually require doing one on all of them. But, what, then, does "support" mean? One (weak) possibility is [the... scribe: test I wrote]... that accessible content be possible. Another (stronger) possibility is that a "supported" format has to have checking (even if it is manual checking). If that's what we mean...I think we should fix the SC to say that. JT: Primary point of SC is to guide author...we've tried many formulations ... Wonder how we can keep the spirit of this ... Maybe we look at this in the other direction...recommending the technology that has support. AL: I think the testability issue is still there JT: In what way? AL: Really hard to say when a tool provides support for production of accessible support JT: If the recommendation is that there be an indicator that accessible production is supported.... ... So the guidance doesn't nee to ba certification...just having some indicator that some... JR: What about only triggering it only if the default technology is not the included technology AL: In most cases accesssibility will depend. One tech might be better in one way, one tech might be better for something else GP: Often times the authoring tool won't even create the final technology... ... So important to have properly created target technology JR: Not about the format ... example of spell checking in only one format, but not others GP: In most situations there it is not the case that one or the other JT: If it is the case that there is no difference, then it shouldn't apply GP: Example of ePub...needs reader ... In most tools, validity is limited to native format JT: Can validate DAISY with MS Word JR: What are some scenarios that should trigger sc? JT: Example of video with captions, about to transfom to a video format without captions JR: Should be covered by our content transformation SC GP: Sound authoring in the source, should result in greater accessibility in the target ... Contemporary tools take you 80% of the way...because they automatically use styles etc JT: Step back again to look at spirit...at decision points...where one choice would likely reduce accessibility GP: For example, if you are going to use this feature or place this object, you need to know x. But sometimes its just good auhtoring practice. <jeanne> when authoring tools provide different technologies, the user is supported toward the more accessible choice as measured by the task the user wants to perform. JR: But still complicated...what if you format includes some checking...but not repair etc. GP: Microsoft has 8 simple checkpoints for making docs accessible ... Afraid that this is a documentation requirement...that will cause a backlash ... Its getting much more complex than the actual tools that will be produced as we try to account for all possibilities. JS: when authoring tools provide different technologies, the user is supported toward the more accessible choice as measured by the task the user wants to perform. <jeanne> as measured by the actions the author takes JR: I do have concern that user will experience the SC as a judgement against the format (not as we intend honesty about the authoring tools own functionality) B.1.2.1 Restructuring and Recoding Transformations (WCAG): If the authoring tool provides restructuring transformations or re-coding transformations, and if equivalent mechanisms exist in the web content technology of the output, then at least one of the following is true: (Level A to meet WCAG 2.0 Level A success criteria; Level AA to meet WCAG 2.0 Level A and AA success criteria; Level AAA to meet all WCAG 2.0 success criteria) (a) Preserve: Accessibility information (WCAG) is preserved in the output; or (b) Warning: Authors have the default option to be warned that accessibility information (WCAG) may be lost (e.g., when saving a vector graphic into a raster image format); or (c) Automatic Checking: After the transformation, accessibility checking is automatically performed; or (d) Checking Suggested: After the transformation, the authoring tool prompts authors to perform accessibility checking. GP: We are moving to multiple formats JT: Idea of merging issue SC with B.1.2.1 <scribe> ACTION: JR to suggest combination of B.4.1.3 Feature Availability Information and B.1.2.1 Restructuring and Recoding Transformations (WCAG) [recorded in [14]http://www.w3.org/2012/07/23-au-minutes.html#action01] <trackbot> Created ACTION-382 - Suggest combination of B.4.1.3 Feature Availability Information and B.1.2.1 Restructuring and Recoding Transformations (WCAG) [on Jan Richards - due 2012-07-30]. Summary of Action Items [NEW] ACTION: JR to suggest combination of B.4.1.3 Feature Availability Information and B.1.2.1 Restructuring and Recoding Transformations (WCAG) [recorded in [15]http://www.w3.org/2012/07/23-au-minutes.html#action01] [End of minutes]
Received on Monday, 23 July 2012 20:22:57 UTC