Copy-paste and ATAG2 B.1.2.1 Restructuring and Recoding Transformations

Hi all,

On the last call, I took an action ( to create a proposal for B.1.2.1 Restructuring and Recoding Transformations around handling copy-paste. As often seems, to happen in these cases, the proposal is somewhat wider:

(1) START by putting SC B.1.2.2 first to be very clear that optimizations (e.g. "pretty-print") may not reduce accessibility (editorial: comma added):

B.1.2.1 Optimizing Transformations Preserve Accessibility: If the authoring tool provides optimizing transformations, then any accessibility information (WCAG) in the input is preserved in the output. (Level A)

(2) NEXT put SC B.1.2.3 second since it covers all cases involving images, videos, etc. (Note: "text alternatives" are all covered by WCAG 2.0 SC 1.1, which is Level A) - also added the same note as for the current B.1.2.1.

B.1.2.2 Text Alternatives for Non-Text Content are Preserved: If the authoring tool provides restructuring or recoding transformations that preserve non-text content in the output, then any text alternatives for that non-text content are also preserved, if equivalent mechanisms exist in the web content technology of the output. (Level A).
Note: This success criteria only applies when the output technology is "included" for conformance.

[Thoughts on copy-paste applicability:  If the image was put on the clipboard as a BMP, then it wouldn't have any alternative text to preserve. If it was put on as HTML and the pasting tool went to the trouble of retrieving the image, it should also retrieve the alternative text.]

 (3) Limit to situations where the input and output are both "included" formats. Add a new note referring to B.1.2.2:

B.1.2.3 Restructuring and Recoding Transformations (WCAG): If the authoring tool provides restructuring transformations or re-coding transformations, then at least one of the following is true: (Level A to meet WCAG 2.0 Level A success criteria; Level AA to meet WCAG 2.0 Level A and AA success criteria; Level AAA to meet all WCAG 2.0 success criteria)
(a) Preserve: Accessibility information (WCAG) is preserved in the output; or
(b) Warning: Authors have the default option to be warned that accessibility information may be lost (e.g., when saving a vector graphic into a raster image format); or
(c) Automatic Checking: After the transformation, accessibility checking is automatically performed; or
(d) Checking Suggested: After the transformation, the authoring tool prompts authors to perform accessibility checking.
Note 1: For text alternatives for non-text content, see success criterion B.1.2.2.
Note 2: This success criteria only applies when the input and output technology are  both "included" for conformance.

(4) NOTE added to "Content Transformations" ( Transformation) to be clear that the case is covered.

content transformations
Processes that take content in one web content technology or non-web content technology (e.g., a word processing format) as input and produce content that has been optimized, restructured or recoded:
- Optimizing Content Transformations: Transformations in which the content technology is not changed and the structural features of the content technology that are employed also stay the same. Changes would not be expected to result in information loss (e.g., removing whitespace, replacing in-line styles with an external stylesheet).
- Restructuring Content Transformations: Transformations in which the content technology stays the same, but the structural features of the technology used to markup the content are changed (e.g., linearizing tables, splitting a document into pages.
- Recoding Content Transformations: Transformations in which the content technology used to encode the content is changed (e.g., HTML to XHTML, a word processing format to HTML).
NOTE: Content transformations may take place during clipboard operations (e.g. copy, paste).

[Thoughts on copy-paste applicability:  Remember, our SCs apply when the output format is "included" so tools are free to output into other formats or use other clipboard formats]

(5) QUESTION: Should we add an SC requiring that accessibility information not be lost during internal copy-paste? E.g.

B.1.2.4 Internal Copy-Paste: If the authoring tool is used to copy (or cut) and then paste web content, then any accessibility information (WCAG) in the copied content is preserved when it is pasted. (Level A)



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Received on Monday, 30 January 2012 05:06:01 UTC