Actions from May 9 AUWG Meeting

Hi all,

Here are my action items from the May 9 Meeting:

ACTION: JR Consider how to set a minimum criteria for A.3.1

PROPOSAL: Adjust defined term to "sequential keyboard access" (and adjust the definition):
- A.3.1.3 Efficient Keyboard Access: The authoring tool user interface includes mechanisms to make keyboard access more efficient than sequential keyboard access. (Level AA)
- sequential keyboard access
Using a keyboard interface to navigate the focus one-by-one through all of the items in an ordered set (e.g. menu items, form fields, etc.) until the desired item is reached and activated. This is in contrast to direct keyboard access methods such as keyboard shortcuts and the use of bypass links.

ACTION: JR in A.3.5.1, use "web content being edited" to be more clear that this refers to editing views.
ACTION: JR work in "Focus is moved and the match is made visible to the author" to A.3.5.1

PROPOSAL: To split the search requirement into an AA minimum (within current editing view) at an AAA enhanced (all editing views). The reason is that browser search functions are confined to text that is currently rendered (including within textboxes) and we want these functions to be leveraged by web-based tools.

Success Criterion A.3.5.1 Text Search (Minimum): Editing-views enable text search, such that all of the following are true: (Level AA) 
(a) All Editable Text: Any text content that is editable by the editing-view is searchable (including alternative content); and
(b) Match: Matching results can be made visible to the author and given focus; and
(c) No Match: Authors are informed when no matching results are found; and 
(d) Two-way: The search can be made forwards or backwards; and 
(e) Case Sensitive: The search can be in both case sensitive and case insensitive modes.

Success Criterion A.3.5.X Text Search (Enhanced): The authoring tool enables text search of all editable text in the web content being edited. (Level AAA) 
Note: Authoring tools that support multiple editing-views should display search results in editing-views in which the results are editable.

ACTION: JR to fix typo in A.4.1 - GL17 udo -> undo

This requirement has been combined with the main undo requirement with the addition of this note ("Note 1: Reversing actions (e.g. an "undo" function) are also considered authoring actions, meaning they must also meet this success criterion (e.g., a "redo" function). ")

ACTION: JR to update A.3.6 to add the condition "If the authoring tool has its own display and control settings, then the authoring tools...

Success Criterion A.3.6.1 Independence of Display: If the authoring tool includes display settings, then authors can adjust these settings for editing-views without affecting the web content to be published.

ACTION: JR to update A.3.6.3 to read " The authoring tool respects changes in platform display and control settings chosen by the user."

Success Criterion A.3.6.3 Apply Platform Settings: The authoring tool respects changes in platform display and control settings made by authors.

ACTION: JR to update answer to IBM24 to better address mobile

AUWG: This requirement has been changed to clarify that mechanisms such as skip-over links qualify: FOLLOWED BY SC WORDING THAT MAY CHANGE DUE TO A.3.1.3 PROPOSAL ABOVE

ACTION: JR to update the response for OC7 to take into account Alex's comment


(Mr) Jan Richards, M.Sc. | 416-977-6000 ext. 3957 | fax: 416-977-9844
Inclusive Design Research Centre (IDRC) |
Faculty of Design | OCAD University

Received on Wednesday, 1 June 2011 15:01:08 UTC