AUWG Action Item: ATAG 2.0 Conformance Proposal

Hi all,

Here is a proposal for how to change the ATAG2 conformance section to address some of the comments. It was an action Tim and I took. Tim still has some questions, but I'm going to be travelling next week and wanted to send this to the list before I go. Basically the proposal is to:

1. Split Part B into Part 2 and a new Part 3 for checking and repair:

Part 2: Support generation of accessible content 
 Principle 2.1: Features that automatically generate content must address accessibility 
 Principle 2.2: Features that help authors generate content must address accessibility

Part 3: Support improving the accessibility of content 
 Principle 3.1: Features for checking and repair must be provided
  Guideline 3.1.1: Assist authors in checking for accessibility problems.
  Guideline 3.1.2: Assist authors in repairing accessibility problems.

*[My Thinking: We want to move checking and repair to an easily referenced section. It breaks the nice Part A, Part B split but I don't think that can be helped :(]*

2. Amend "Conformance Levels" as follows:

Conformance Levels:

Authoring tools may conform "fully" or "partially" to ATAG 2.0. In either case, the level of conformance depends on the level of the success criteria that have been satisfied.

"Full" ATAG 2.0 Conformance:
This type of conformance is intended to be used when an authoring tool meets success criteria from all three Parts of ATAG 2.0 (Part 1: Make the authoring tool user interface accessible; Part 2: Support creation of accessible content; Part 3: Support improving the accessibility of content):

   1. *Full ATAG 2.0 Conformance (Level A)*
      The authoring tool satisfies all of the Level A success criteria (and has applied all of the Applicability Notes(.
   2. *Full ATAG 2.0 Conformance (Level AA)*
      The authoring tool satisfies all of the Level A and Level AA success criteria (and has applied all of the Applicability Notes).
   3. *Full ATAG 2.0 Conformance (Level AAA)*
      The authoring tool satisfies all of the success criteria (and has applied all of the Applicability Notes).

"Partial" ATAG 2.0 Conformance:
This type of conformance is intended to be used an authoring tool only meets success criteria from one or more Parts of ATAG 2.0. Here are the options:

   1. *Partial ATAG 2.0 Conformance (Level A)*
      The authoring tool satisfies all of the Level A success criteria in at least one of Part 1, Part 2 or Part 3 (and has applied the relevant Applicability Notes).
   2. *Partial ATAG 2.0 Conformance (Level AA)*
      The authoring tool satisfies all of the Level AA success criteria in at least one of Part 1, Part 2 or Part 3 (and has applied the relevant Applicability Notes).
   3. *Partial ATAG 2.0 Conformance (Level AAA)*
      The authoring tool satisfies all of the Level AAA success criteria in at least one of Part 1, Part 2 or Part 3 (and has applied the relevant Applicability Notes).

- The Working Group remains committed to the guiding principle that: "Everyone should have the ability to create and access web content". Therefore, it is recommended that authoring tools that are capable of creating web content that is ready to publish only claim "Partial" Conformance as a step towards "Full" Conformance.
- Dedicated accessibility checking and repair tools should claim "Partial" Conformance to Parts A and C.
- Other authoring tools that are not able to produce web content that is ready to publish should claim "Partial" Conformance to Parts A and B.

(Mr) Jan Richards, M.Sc. | 416-977-6000 ext. 3957 | fax: 416-977-9844
Inclusive Design Research Centre (IDRC) |
Faculty of Design | OCAD University

Received on Thursday, 30 September 2010 15:29:23 UTC