Ideas on types of tests ATAG will likely need

FYI: As preparation for the WAI Testing Forum I came up with a list of 
the different types of tests (manual and/or automated) that we might 
find useful in an ATAG test suite. Items 2-4 might be things we can 
borrow from other groups etc.

Other ideas are welcome.

1. Step-by-step instructions author and help interpreting outcomes (i.e. 
"Do x, do y. Did z happen?"). This can be used to test the accessibility 
of UI's as well as the functioning of prompting, checking, etc. This 
would include exception testing. Tim has made a good start on these 
kinds of tests.

2. Failing content files of the type WCAG-WG and ERT-WG are creating 
(used as input to test checkers, UI features (e.g. stop flashing, etc))

3. Passing content files of the type WCAG-WG and ERT-WG are creating 
(used as input to test conversion, also may be used to compare with 
generated outputs)

4. Accessibility Evaluation Tools (needed to test the accessibility of 
outputs, checker accuracy, pre-authored content, web-based UIs, etc.)

5. Automated API testing tools (e.g. whether a particular accessibility 
API is properly implemented)

With thanks to Tim for some input.


Received on Tuesday, 30 January 2007 15:17:39 UTC