[virus?] Re: Checklist of checkpoints and some mistakes

I haven't sent this message. I think someone that receive the list has a
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----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Roberto Scano" <lewis_arise@bumerang.ro>
To: "AUWG (WAI-AUWG)" <w3c-wai-au@w3.org>; "Matt May" <mcmay@w3.org>;
"Gregg Vanderheiden" <gv@trace.wisc.edu>; "'Karen Mardahl'"
<karen@mardahl.dk>; <"karen@mardahl.dk"@hydra.securehosting.dk>; "'List
WAI-AUWG'" <w3c-wai-au@w3.org>; "'Roberto Scano - IWA/HWG'"
<rscano@iwa-italy.org>; "'Karen Mardahl'" <karen@mardahl.dk>; "Gregg
Vanderheiden" <gv@trace.wisc.edu>
Sent: Monday, August 30, 2004 11:30 AM
Subject: Checklist of checkpoints and some mistakes

I've created the update version for the checklist of checkpoints

Updating the old one i've found some mistakes in anchor inside the ATAG
2.0 WD:

* Checkpoint 2.1:
wrong assignment in techniques link (techniques link to 2.2 instead of
2.1) and must link to tech2.html#check-ensure-published-DTD

* Checkpoint 2.3:
checkpoint text not styled

* Checkpoint 2.5:
the abbreviation WCAG is linked to #wcag that don't exist in the

* Checkpoint 2.6:
the abbreviation WCAG is linked to #wcag that don't exist in the

* Checkpoint 3.8:
the link "documentation" is to Document, not documentation. This is due
that the id of Document is "#def-Document" and the id for Documentation
is "#def-document". I suggest also to uniform the reference for the
checkpoint (#check-accessibility-everywhere1) with the techniques
reference (#check-emphasize-universal-benefit)

* Checkpoint 4.1:
Referred in the document... but moved after Checkpoint 4.x. No
techniques link.

* Checkpoint 4.2:
Uniform reference for checkpoint (#check-visible-means111) to techniques
reference (check-#visible-means). Techniques doc refer to
#check-visible-means instead of #check-visible-means

* Checkpoint 4.3:
Text for the link to the techniques refer to Checkpoint 4.1 instead of
Checkpoint 4.3

* Checkpoint 4.4:
Text for the link to the techniques refer to Checkpoint 4.3 instead of
Checkpoint 4.4. The link text refer to
tech4.html#check-integrate-features that hasn't a reference id in the

* Checkpoint 4.X:
The techniques link to Checkpoint 4.X refer to
tech4.html#check-configurable hat hasn't a reference id in the document.

Received on Monday, 30 August 2004 09:39:40 UTC