my action item from Austin f2f - conformance to ISO16071

Reference: ISO/TS 16071:2002(E) - Ergonomics of human-system interaction - 
Guidance on accessibility for human-computer interfaces

Part 5 of the Reference talks about "how to use this technical 
specification"  with
Table 1 being "accessibility impact" and Table 2 being "implementation 

Table 1 says that for "core" impact category, the consequences if item in 
this category is NOT supported is "a substantial subset of users cannot 
accomplish most tasks without either additional assistance or extensive 
extra effort to compensate for the omission of the item.
For these users, the system is unusable".   Does this match our "essential" 
for priority 1?

Table 1 says that for "primary" impact category, the consequences if item 
in this category is NOT supported is "most users can accomplish most tasks, 
but a substantial subset of users may not  be enabled to perform some 
tasks, either due to lack of access to functionality or severe usability 
problems".   Does this match our "important" for priority 2?

Table 1 says that for "secondary" impact category, the consequences if item 
in this category is NOT supported is "most users can accomplish most tasks, 
but a substantial subset of users may not be enabled to perform some tasks 
without a severe decrease in efficiency and satisfaction."   Does this 
match our "beneficial" for priority 3?

Table 2 describes category "OS(operating system)" as "operating system, 
drivers, and associated software layers".

Table 2 describes category "application (productivity applications, 
development tools, web browsers, etc.)" as "software not considered as part 
of the operating system or its immediate layers.  This includes "desktop" 
software bundled with an operating system, personal productivity 
applications, and other non-OS software."

Each guideline in part 7.2 has a one designation from Table 1 (core, 
primary, or secondary) and one or more designations from Table 2 (example: 
core: OS/application)

PROPOSAL:  when we say in our Guidelines document "conform to ISO 16071" we 
priority 1 - satisfy all ISO/TS16071:2002(E) Part 7.2 guidelines designated 
as both "core" and "application"
priority 2 - satisfy all ISO/TS16071:2002(E) Part 7.2 guidelines designated 
as both "primary" and "application"
priority 3 - satisfy all ISO/TS16071:2002(E) Part 7.2 guidelines designated 
as both "secondary" and "application"

What do you think of including this language in our Feb 24 TR draft?

Best wishes, Tim Boland NIST  

Received on Monday, 23 February 2004 09:46:49 UTC