- From: Jutta Treviranus <jutta.treviranus@utoronto.ca>
- Date: Mon, 2 Feb 2004 16:36:28 -0500
- To: w3c-wai-au@w3.org
>Subject: review of ATAG 2.0 WG Draft 20-Jan-04 >To: Jutta Treviranus <jutta.treviranus@utoronto.ca> >From: Barry Feigenbaum <feigenba@us.ibm.com> >Date: Mon, 2 Feb 2004 15:29:41 -0600 >X-PMX-Version: >Status: > > > > > >Not sure how to submit these via normal channels. Sorry they are too late >for today's discussion. > >[I need to be added (or find out how to add myself) to the normal >distribution list (so far Kip has had forwarded me most notes).] > > >My comments on this document: > >General: > >This document seems easier to read than the 1.0 version. Congratulations!. > >I believe the use of "must" and "all" in many criteria is too strong >(especially with respect to my comments on 1.5 below). Less all >inclusive options should (or should that be "must") be available. > >I may come up with more comments later. > >Specific: > >1.3 [ATAG20-CHECKLIST] link seems to point to a nonexistent doc > >1.5 Conformance > >I think just the three A levels are too restrictive. Its sort of >all-or-nothing. Tool authors cannot get partial credit. For example, what >if a tool is AAA for guideline 1 but not even A for Guideline 2:- What is >its rating? - nothing! What if its AAA for all but one of the priority 1 >sub-criteria of a guidelines, which it misses - What is its rating? > >I believe there should be a way to get credit on a guideline-by-guideline >basis. Within a guideline what if only some sub criteria [say 1.x] (but >not all) at a given priority are met. What credit can be claimed (today its >seems like 0 credit). > >I propose a set of achievement levels (something like): >A - as today, all items of the criteria are met >B - meets the spirit of the criteria (all possible met, good cause ** why >others not met), and/or is WCAG friendly >C - minimal achievement (some criteria meet, improvement is possible) > >So some tool could be rated 1-A, 2-B, 3-AA, 4-A (in form GL#-Level, ...) . >This could make creating a certification logo a little problematic. Perhaps >we could offer a simple tool to create the image. > >The more we can allow tool makers to take credit for what their tools can >do (and let them advertize it) , the more likely tools will meet more >criteria. > >** often for practical economic and/or schedule constraint reasons > >On "bundled" - what does this mean exactly? (a glossary term perhaps) And >"must be distributed together" seems quite onerous. Consider Eclipse. Many >plug-in are bundled (see IBM's WSSD, WSAD, Rational tools, etc) into >products. But others are sold/distributed stand-alone. Yet each is >expected to play well in the sandbox (look similar, behave similarly and >interact with each other). > >2 Guidelines comments > >GL 1.1 I think we need a more specific SW Accessibility Guidelines (SWAG) >reference (if we are trying to be normative). The techniques doc provides >some detail here but its not (I believe) normative. > >GL 1.3 criteria 1 "All" too strong (suggest "At least 1") > >GL 1.4 criterial. "move/select/cut/copy/paste/etc" how? Maybe defined in >SWAG, but undefined here. > >GL 1.4 criteria 1 "all ... views" too strong (suggest "At least one") > >GL 2.1 "is valid for"- what does "valid" mean in this context (conforms to >DTD, schema, or what?), how can the tool author verify it? > >GL 2.1 criteria 1 "applicable" - latest level only or any approved level? > >GL 2.4 criteria 1 "must" - what if the tool (often a third party one) >doesn't do this? > >GL 2.6 criteria 1 May be exceedingly difficult to achieve for some required >types (such as applets, ActiveX objects, etc) especially if they are black >boxes > >GL 3.1 criteria 1 This seems to require the tool to understand and VALIDATE >all content (vs treating it as a black box) Hard to do. > >GL 3.2/3.3 criteria 1 "must" too strong again. Many useful tools will not >have checkers and/or fixers. > >GL 3.7 criteria 1 "All" - what if there is no help system (ie only hardcopy >docs) > >GL 3.8 criteria 1 "must meet ... WCAG" - what if the sample screens aren't >web content (ie WCAG does not apply). > >GL 4. 2 criteria 4 "all accessibility-related" - too strong > > >I have some typos to point out: > >GL 1.1 "editor [to] display preferences" > >GL 3.3 "factors [should | must] be considered" > >Barry A. Feigenbaum, Ph. D. >Worldwide Accessibility Center - IBM Research >www.ibm.com/able, >w3.austin.ibm.com/~snsinfo >voice 512-838-4763/tl678-4763 >fax 512-838-9367/0330 >cell 512-799-9182 >feigenba@us.ibm.com >Mailstop 904/5F-021 >11400 Burnet Rd., Austin TX 78758 > >Sun Certified Java Programmer, Developer & Architect >IBM Certified VisualAge C++ & Smalltalk Associate Developer; XML Developer; >OOAD w/UML >Brainbench in C/S, WWW, e-Commerce & OO Concepts, HTML 3.2, Java 2, JSP, >EJB, XML, Smalltalk, Assembler > >This message sent with 100% recycled electrons --
Received on Monday, 2 February 2004 16:38:14 UTC