- From: Jan Richards <jan.richards@utoronto.ca>
- Date: Mon, 26 Jan 2004 17:05:34 -0500
- To: "List (WAI-AUWG)" <w3c-wai-au@w3.org>
AUWG Minutes (Jan. 26, 2004) PARTICIPANTS JT: Jutta Treviranus GP: Greg Pisocky JR: Jan Richards KM: Karen Mardahl KH: Kip Harris BF: Barry Feigenbaum REGRETS Matt May Tim Boland Roberto Scano Geoff Deering ===================================================================== KH introduces BF. KH will be with the group through F2F, but BF will replace KH after the F2F. =========================== JT How are people doing on the work items? GL1 ===================== KH: So the original reason fro changing techs for 1.1 is to simpligy references? JT: Yes, there is an uneven quality of referenced documents. So we wanted to go to a more universal approach. Began by looking at IBM SAG and moved focus to the ISO. Action Item: Change the "Success Criteria" wording in guidelines to point to the ISO16071. JR: Brings up question of how the ISO is referenced. The current wording seems to be a filtering of the ISO. JT: Maybe we should flip it around. Maybe make techniques into a synopsis of ISO? KM: Added "techniques" to glossary. (i.e. that they are informational suggestions) JT: Let's talk to Tim about doing a bit of interpretative text around ISO instead of the comparative text we have now. GL3 ===================== JR: Propose that we just publish GL to the TR. KH: Good idea. All: AGREED. GL4 ===================== JR: Updated. WIDE VIEW + GLOSSARY ===================== KM: Things are moving forward, KM taking issues MM. REFERENCES ========================= GP Working on it in conjunction with KM. CHARTER: Revised version going out soon. F2F Update ========================== KH - Hotel update - everyone needs to get in touch with Kip about the hotel reservation. KH - Have several room possibilities - conference room (ok) - IBM executive centre (very nice) - business dress code - no sneakers, no jeans, collar shirts. Connectivity the same in both. Will post to list. JT: Everyone register soon! And talk to Kip about the Hotel. KH: Will investigate restaurants Issues ========================== KM: Would like to take responsibility for #1, #3, #6. JT: What do people think about having an extra meeting next week to address the guideline? ACTION JT: There will be an additional AUWG meeting next Monday (Feb 2) to address outstanding issues before publishing to TR. ACTION: JR to break out Issues into mailings to the list. ==================================== If anything was missed please mail the list.
Received on Monday, 26 January 2004 17:04:16 UTC