AUWG Meeting Reminder today (November 17, 4pm-5pm ET)

Hi Everyone,

Just another reminder that the AUWG conference call will take place 
today November 17 at the regular time. I have also added links to the 
agenda for quicker reference.:
   4:00 pm ET
   (617) 761-6200 ext. 2894#



(1) Face to face meeting planning (Jutta)

(2) Workflow success criteria (Jan and Tim)
see thread: "Proposal for ATAG Checkpoint 4.X"

(3) Techniques volunteer update (Jan and volunteers)
see thread: "ATAG Techniques Work Items - Please Volunteer"

(4) Projected timelines (Matt)

(5) Other

Talk to you soon,


Received on Monday, 17 November 2003 09:21:18 UTC