FW: feedback on "Workflow checkpoint"

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-----Original Message-----
From: Jutta Treviranus [mailto:jutta.treviranus@utoronto.ca] 
Sent: 24. oktober 2003 15:14
To: karen@mardahl.dk
Subject: Re: feedback on "Workflow checkpoint"

Thanks Karen, this is a useful inspiration. I will try to see that 
you get onto the list so you can participate in the list discussion.


>Hi Jutta
>In your mail entitled Workflow checkpoint from 21. Oct., you wrote:
>Ensure that accessible authoring practices are integrated into the
>overall workflow when an author develops Web Content.
>Accessible design as an afterthought or separate process is much more
>onerous and therefore costly than when accessibility is considered
>from the start. If the authoring tool supports a workflow in which
>the author considers accessibility before and/or during the authoring
>process it is more likely that accessible authoring practices will
>become a common practice.
>Overall this rationale is brilliant and _so_ very true!
>I assume this is for 4.X of the
>http://www.w3.org/WAI/AU/2003/WD-ATAG20-20031021/ (I don't have the minutes
>for Monday's meeting, but based on the agenda it looks like this item.)
>A success criterion could be something along the lines of:
>"Experienced authors developed familiar and consistently successful
>with their authoring tools. The integration of accessible authoring
>practices must not undermine their successful workflow scenarios. The
>integration may even end up enhancing the workflow."
>I hope this can be a useful inspiration.
>Karen Mardahl
>Teknisk Kommunikation
>(+45) 23 65 75 82


Received on Monday, 3 November 2003 16:10:38 UTC