Re: my action items from telecon

Thanks Tim,
You bring up a good point - collaboration and dependencies with 
outside standards bodies such as IMS, etc. Should we delineate these 
in the charter?


At 10:11 AM -0600 1/7/03, Tim Boland wrote:
>Attached is a file which indicates some other areas of possible 
>liaison (from the CSS
>charter) to consider (it seems that the AUWG could have dependencies with
>a potentially large number of groups within W3C, as well as possibly with
>activities outside of W3C).   Will think on this subject more for 
>AUWG charter.
>Also included is info on test suite documentation for the AUWG to consider.
>Thanks and best wishes, Tim Boland NIST
>Attachment converted: Macintosh HD:auwg.txt (TEXT/ttxt) (00069B14)


Received on Tuesday, 7 January 2003 11:07:56 UTC