Re: AUWG Meeting Reminder (June 2, 4pm-5pm ET)

  I must send my regrets because I have a conflicting meeting.
Best wishes, Tim Boland NIST

At 04:20 PM 5/29/2003 -0400, you wrote:

>The next AUWG conference call will take place at the regular time:
>   Monday, June 2 at 4:00 pm ET
>   (617) 761-6200 ext. 2894#
>(1) Kynn Bartlett's "Strawman Re-ordering Proposal"
>(2) Gaithersburg, MD (NIST) - F2F Planning
>Please send regrets or agenda additions to the list.
>FYI: The dates of the next two meetings will be:
>- F2F Meeting at NIST in Gaithersburg, MD, 13-14 June 2003
>[Register at:]
>- 16 June 2003 (Conference call)
>Jan Richards, User Interface Design Specialist
>Adaptive Technology Resource Centre (ATRC), University of Toronto
>   Email:
>   Web:
>   Phone: 416-946-7060
>   Fax:   416-971-2896

Received on Friday, 30 May 2003 08:54:29 UTC