Re: AUWG Meeting Reminder (April 7, 4pm-5pm ET)

I must send regrets for this telecon (my wife is sick, and need to pick up 
my daughter at this time).   Per item #2 on agenda, I have just completed 
an exhaustive review of success criteria (with respect to objectivity) of 
ATAG WD of March 14 (as requested by Matt May, in conjunction with my NIST 
project leader Lynne Rosenthal), and have found some issues, which I will 
this week summarize to the AUWG list.   In this task, it would help me to 
know the purpose of the success criteria in the document.  They are not 
mentioned explicitly in 1.3, so what is their importance?    Are they meant 
to convey "minimum basic functionality
requirement that is normative" (second bullet under checkpoint subtext 
bullet of 1.3)?  Is "success criteria" terminology used in other WAI specs 
or QA Framework documents?   I believe they use other terminology.  Any 
help would be appreciated.
Thanks and best wishes, Tim Boland NIST

    At 02:16 PM 4/4/03 -0500, you wrote:

>The next AUWG conference call will take place at the regular time:
>Monday, April 7 at 4:00 pm ET
>(617) 761-6200 ext. 2894#
>(1) Comments on draft resulting from CSUN F2F.
>(2) Full review of Success Criteria as we did for the Rationale at the
>(3) Decision about a F2F in Budapest at WWW2003
>Please send regrets to the list.
>FYI: The dates of the next two meetings will be:
>- 21 April 2003
>- 5 May 2003
>Jan Richards, User Interface Design Specialist
>Adaptive Technology Resource Centre (ATRC), University of Toronto
>   Email:
>   Web:
>   Phone: 416-946-7060
>   Fax:   416-971-2896

Received on Monday, 7 April 2003 09:43:15 UTC