Reminder: Joint meeting today 12:00 EST

We will be holding a joint meeting with EO today at noon, EST.
The number is:
Telephone: +1.617.761.6200
   Conference number: 2894

0. Agenda additions
1. Encouraging Compliance with ATAG, strategies and resources.
2. "Selecting and Using Software for Web Accessibility"
as per Judy's message:
(FYI this is part of an implementation planning resource, the latest 
draft of which is at:
also viewable in its "collapsed" format (but currently with older 
content), which will be the first format people arrive at if going to 
the suite: )
(Note -- the links & back-links between versions are not up to date)
3. Face to face joint meeting with IMS on February 25: logistics and agenda.

Talk to you soon.


Received on Monday, 11 February 2002 09:30:26 UTC