Re: Notes from Oct 15 meeting

Couple of corrections:

  CMN: There may be some funding for work on this coming in 6 to 8 weeks.

new: I will know in 6 t o8 weeks whether some funding for a person to do some
work on Authoring Tools has been made available. THe work would not start
until some time next year.

  CMN: W3C says it's ok to pay people to join the group. But
  sub-contracting is more difficult.

new: It is clearly OK for W3C members to pay people to participate. W3C pays
staff, who particpate in Working groups among other responsibilities, and has
payed subcontractors, but I don't personally know under what arrangements or

Thanks as always


Received on Monday, 15 October 2001 20:58:39 UTC