- From: xueyuan <xueyuan@w3.org>
- Date: Wed, 31 Jan 2024 16:31:08 +0800
- To: ralcaraz <ralcaraz@ub.edu>, "w3c-translators@w3.org" <w3c-translators@w3.org>
- Cc: "team-wai-translations@w3.org" <team-wai-translations@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <1364bc63-984c-4153-8a46-98808032e8b2@w3.org>
Dear Rubén Alcaraz Martínez, Following the CAT announcement, we are now at the step in the Policy for Authorized Translation when W3C initiates the review process, which will last until 1 March 2024. cf. https://www.w3.org/2005/02/TranslationPolicy.html [[ 4. W3C Initiation of Review Process: 1. W3C announces a review period of at least 30 days of the CAT on the translators' mailing list, specifying a separate, publicly archived mailing list, in W3C or W3C Chapter Web space, to be used for commenting. This mailing list may be a per-language list for all CATs in that language, such as public-auth-trans-hu@w3.org for any Hungarian CAT, or a list specifically set up for that CAT. All comments on the CAT must be sent to this list. Postings to the mailing list may either be in the language of translation or in English. ]] The dedicated mailing list set up for the review process is: public-auth-trans-ca@w3.org and the mail archive is at: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-auth-trans-ca/ Subscription to this list can be done by sending an e-mail, with the subject set to 'subscribe', to: public-auth-trans-ca-request@w3.org The mailing list and the archive are public. Anybody can send an e-mail to the list. We encourage you to announce this review period to facilitate comments from the stakeholders and public. Please, communicate this information to your partners (this is step 5.1 of the Policy), and ask them to subscribe to the mailing list and use it for the comments. We invite you to follow the policy for step 5: [[ 5. LTO Notification of Review, Monitoring of Comments, and Revision of CAT: 1. The LTO notifies the stakeholder organizations of the availability of the CAT, the start of the review period, and the existence of the mailing list for comments; directs them to send comments to this mailing list; and copies this notification to the general translators' mailing list. 2. The LTO monitors the mailing list comments; provides clarification when necessary; and summarizes consensus on specific issues (when possible) to help the ongoing discussion. 3. After the end of the review period, the LTO issues a new version of the CAT as needed, and provides a list, in English and the language of translation, of the points raised, and a summary of the discussions during the review period, describing the problems found and solutions agreed with the other reviewers. This summary must be posted both to the publicly archived mailing list for this CAT, and to the general translators' mailing list. 4. In the event that no comments or only very few comments are received during the review period, the LTO ensures that a majority of the reviewing organizations send email to the translators' mailing list confirming that they have in fact reviewed the document, and that they consider it to be an accurate translation. 5. The LTO then advises W3C whether a new review round is necessary or not. ]] Best regards, Xueyuan Jia on behalf of W3C and WAI Team On 2024/1/30 17:12, ralcaraz wrote: > Benvolguts, col·legues, > > Després d'ultimar els darrers canvis sol·licitats, l’equip responsable > de la traducció al català de les WCAG 2.2 anunciem mitjançant aquest > missatge la disponibilitat de la traducció candidata autoritzada (CAT) > a l’adreça: https://www.ub.edu/adaptabit/wcag22/ > <https://www.ub.edu/adaptabit/wcag22/> > > Segons les previsions del W3C, les WCAG 2.2 són la darrera versió > d'aquestes directrius. A partir d'ara es publicaran les WCAG 3.0, que > no anul·laran les 2.2 (vegeu > https://www.w3.org/TR/wcag-3.0/#introduction), de manera que es preveu > que les WCAG 2.2 siguin un punt de referència durant molt de temps. > Per això, els Serveis Lingüístics de la Universitat de Barcelona han > fet una feina important de revisió del contingut i d'inclusió de totes > les propostes que vau plantejar arran de l'aprovació de les WCAG 2.2: > > * > Supressió dels masculins genèrics, tant singulars com plurals, > referits a persones. > * > Anàlisi i correcció de totes les referències a "llengua" i > "llenguatge". Canvis en l'expressió de la modalitat d'obligació. > * > Comparació de les traduccions a altres llengües (especialment el > francès i l'italià) per millorar alguns fragments de difícil > interpretació. > * > Revisió aprofundida de la terminologia, validada pel TERMCAT, amb > vista a garantir la correcció terminològica del text i a construir > un diccionari multilingüe específic de les WCAG. > * > Altres canvis de redacció, seguint els criteris de llenguatge > planer, que en milloren la llegibilitat i la comprensió. > > Aquests canvis han estat validats per l'equip tècnic de coordinació de > la traducció i s’adduïen al contingut original. > > Salutacions. > Rubén Alcaraz Martínez > En nom del grup català de les WCAG. > > /*English version*/ > > Dear colleagues, > > After finalizing the last requested changes, the team responsible for > the translation into Catalan of WCAG 2.2 announces through this > message the availability of the Candidate Authorized Translation (CAT) > at: https://www.ub.edu/adaptabit/wcag22/ > <https://www.ub.edu/adaptabit/wcag22/> > > According to W3C predictions, WCAG 2.2 is the most recent version of > these guidelines. From now on, WCAG 3.0 will be published, which will > not override 2.2 (see https://www.w3.org/TR/wcag-3.0/#introduction), > so that WCAG 2.2 will remain a reference point for a long time to > come. For this reason, the Language Services of the University of > Barcelona have undertaken an important task of revising the content > and including all the proposals made following the approval of WCAG 2.2: > > * Suppression of masculine generics, both singular and plural, when > referring to people. > * Analysis and correction of all references to "llengua" and > "llenguatge." > * Changes in the expression of the modality of obligation. > * Comparison of translations into other languages (especially French > and Italian) to improve some fragments of difficult interpretation. > * In-depth revision of terminology, validated in TERMCAT, with a > view to guaranteeing the terminological correctness of the text > and building a multilingual dictionary specific to WCAG. > * Other editorial changes, following the criteria of plain language, > to improve readability and comprehension. > > These changes have been validated by the technical team coordinating > the translation and are added to the original. > > Best regards, > > Rubén Alcaraz Martínez > On behalf of the WCAG Catalan group > > > > Aquest missatge, i els fitxers adjunts que hi pugui haver, pot > contenir informació confidencial o protegida legalment i s’adreça > exclusivament a la persona o entitat destinatària. Si no consteu com a > destinatari final o no teniu l’encàrrec de rebre’l, no esteu > autoritzat a llegir-lo, retenir-lo, modificar-lo, distribuir-lo, > copiar-lo ni a revelar-ne el contingut. Si l’heu rebut per error, > informeu-ne el remitent i elimineu del sistema tant el missatge com > els fitxers adjunts que hi pugui haver. > > Este mensaje, y los ficheros adjuntos que pueda incluir, puede > contener información confidencial o legalmente protegida y está > exclusivamente dirigido a la persona o entidad destinataria. Si usted > no consta como destinatario final ni es la persona encargada de > recibirlo, no está autorizado a leerlo, retenerlo, modificarlo, > distribuirlo o copiarlo, ni a revelar su contenido. Si lo ha recibido > por error, informe de ello al remitente y elimine del sistema tanto el > mensaje como los ficheros adjuntos que pueda contener. > > This email message and any attachments it carries may contain > confidential or legally protected material and are intended solely for > the individual or organization to whom they are addressed. If you are > not the intended recipient of this message or the person responsible > for processing it, then you are not authorized to read, save, modify, > send, copy or disclose any part of it. If you have received the > message by mistake, please inform the sender of this and eliminate the > message and any attachments it carries from your account.
Received on Wednesday, 31 January 2024 08:31:17 UTC