WCAG 2.2 Authorized Translation to Dutch

To the list,
We kindly propose to translate the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines version 2.2 to Dutch as an authorized translation.
LTO would be the HAN University of Applied Sciences, Member of W3C. The lead translator also works at the Accessibility Foundation that has been responsible for the previous authorized translations of WCAG1.0, WCAG2.0 and WCAG2.1 to Dutch.
The relevant stakeholders with which we will coordinate the review of the translation are below. They constitute an appropriate representative of the local community. The addresses to be published on the mailing list and on a dedicated webpage that will be setup for the purpose.

These are the stakeholders with which we will coordinate the review. They have already been invited to participate in the process, and have agreed to do so:

11ways, www.elevenways.be<http://www.elevenways.be>, Christophe Strobbe
200OK, www.200ok.nl<http://www.200ok.nl>, Jules Ernst
Accessibility, www.accessibility.nl<http://www.accessibility.nl>, Brian Bors and Harmen Lanser
Alliantie Digitaal Samenleven, www.digitaalsamenleven.nl<http://www.digitaalsamenleven.nl>, Femke Niehof
Anysurfer, www.anysurfer.be<http://www.anysurfer.be>, Bart Simons
Appt, www.appt.nl<http://www.appt.nl>, Paul van Workum
AskAtticus, www.askatticus.nl<http://www.askatticus.nl>, Jeroen Hulscher
Bartimeus, www.bartimeus.nl<http://www.bartimeus.nl>, Henk Snetselaar
Bol, www.bol.com<http://www.bol.com>, Niels-Peter Foppen
Cardan Technobility, www.cardan.com<http://www.cardan.com>, Gerard Copinga
De staat van het web, www.destaatvanhetweb.nl<http://www.destaatvanhetweb.nl>, Wiep Hamstra
Deque Europe, www.deque.com<http://www.deque.com>, Wilco Fiers
Domain expert, Jake Abma
Firmground, www.firmground.nl<http://www.firmground.nl>, Iacobien Riezebosch
Gebruiker Centraal, www.ictu.nl<http://www.ictu.nl>, Victor Zuydweg
Hiddedevries, www.hiddedevries.nl<http://www.hiddedevries.nl>, Hidde de Vries
HAN University of Applied Sciences, www.han.nl<http://www.han.nl>, Eric Velleman (LTO)
Iederin, www.iederin.nl<http://www.iederin.nl>, Wouter Bolier
Inter Vlaanderen, www.vlaanderen.be/inter<http://www.vlaanderen.be/inter>, Kathleen Achten
internetacademy, www.ncdt.nl<http://www.ncdt.nl>, Jaap van der Putte
KPN, www.kpn.nl<http://www.kpn.nl>, Jan-Jaap Hamers
Level Level, www.level-level.com<http://www.level-level.com>, Rian Rietveld and Caitlin De Rooij
Logius, www.logius.nl<http://www.logius.nl>, Kristian Mul
MinBZK, www.minbzk.nl<http://www.minbzk.nl>, Olaf Schoelink
MinSZW, www.minszw.nl<http://www.minszw.nl>, Raph de Rooij
Oogvereniging, www.oogvereniging.nl<http://www.oogvereniging.nl>, Joost Rongen
Politie, www.politie.nl<http://www.politie.nl>, Peter Op't Hof
Studio VDS, www.studiovds.nl<http://www.studiovds.nl>, Joost van der Steen
TNO and Utrecht University of Applied Sciences, www.hu.nl<http://www.hu.nl>, Anita Cremers
Waarmerk Drempelvrij.nl, www.drempelvrij.nl<http://www.drempelvrij.nl>, Marijke van Grafhorst

Kindest regards,
Eric Velleman

Dr. Eric M. Velleman | Professor (lector) Inclusive Digital Design & Engineering | HAN_University of Applied Sciences  | School of IT and Media Design | Center for IT and Media (CIM) | Address: Ruitenberglaan 26, 6826 CC Arnhem, Netherlands | PObox 5375, 6802 EJ Arnhem NL |  E: Eric.Velleman@han.nl<mailto:Eric.Velleman@han.nl> | www.han.nl

Received on Monday, 5 June 2023 08:49:43 UTC