Translation of the W3C CSS Validator

Dear all,

The CSS Validation service is currently available in 21 languages, 
including English and translations in 20 other different languages. The 
translations are mainly completed by volunteers. Thank you all for the 
great contribution!

I am happy to share that both the French and Swedish translations are 
now 100% accomplished. The page below lists all the text strings used to 
translate the CSS validator, and instructions on how to contribute:

(available languages and level of finish copied below)

* Deutsch 83%
* Español 82%
* Français 100%
* 한국어  85%
* Italiano 82%
* Nederlands 82%
* 日本語 82%
* Polski 93%
* Português 96%
* Русский 86%
* 80% فارسی
* Svenska 100%
* Български 85%
* Українська 83%
* Čeština 83%
* Romanian 83%
* Magyar 81%
* Ελληνικά 81%
* हिन्दी 86%
* 简体中文 89%

You are highly welcomed and encouraged to join the translation effort, 
to make the CSS Validator more accessible to a lot more Web developers 
and designers.

Warm Regards,
Xueyuan Jia, W3C Marketing & Communications

Received on Thursday, 18 July 2019 04:05:10 UTC