- From: Anna Rozborska FIRR <anna.rozborska@firr.org.pl>
- Date: Fri, 24 May 2013 21:02:54 +0200
- To: <w3c-translators@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <E509C2AA9D0A4EDDB49E51257698C041@firraniar>
Dear Friends, I would like to inform that Polish Candidate authorised translation of WCAG 2.0 is available at: http://www.fdc.org.pl/wcag2 The list of stake holders who declared to review the translation is similar to the given before. The list is reminded below. We would like to ask for initiation of reviewing period of our CAT. List of stake holders to review CAT: NGOs active in the area of disability and their access to various areas of life: 1. Foundation Institute for Regional Development (LTO) www.firr.org.pl 2. Foundation Audio description www.audiodescription.org.pl 3. Foundation Visible www.widzialni.org.pl 4. Fundacja Pomocy Matematykom i Informatykom Niesprawnym Ruchowo (Foundation for Support of Mathematics and Computer Scientists with Physical Disability) www.fpmiinr.org.pl 5. Polish Disability Forum www.pfon.org 6. Wielkopolskie Stowarzyszenie Niewidomych (Association of the Blind of Wielkopolska Region) www.wsn.info.pl 7. Towarzystwo Pomocy Głuchoniewidomym (Association for the Welfare of Deafblind People) www.tpg.org.pl Public administration: 8. Information Society Department of Ministry of Interior and administration Ministry of Interior and administration has divided into two separate Ministries - Ministry of Interior and Ministry of Administration and Digitisation. The review of WCAG 2.0 will be provided by the second one. ww.mac.gov.pl 9. Pełnomocnik Rządu ds Osób Niepełnosprawnych ( the Office of Government Plenipotentiary for Disability Issues) www.niepelnosprawni.gov.pl 10. Urząd Komunikacji Elektronicznej (the Office of Electronic Communications) www.uke.gov.pl 11. Rzecznik Praw Obywatelskich (Human Rights Defender of Republic of Poland) www.rpo.gov.pl Business companies: 12. Comarch SA www.comarch.pl 13. Microsoft Poland www.microsoft.com.pl With best regards, Anna Rozborska mob: +48-663883334 e-mail: anna.rozborska@firr.org.pl Fundacja Instytut Rozwoju Regionalnego Foundation Institute for Regional Development www.firr.org.pl <http://www.firr.org.pl/> Main office: ul. Wybickiego 3a, 31-261 Krakow, Poland tel: +48-12-6298514 fax: +48-12-6298415 e-mail: biuro@firr.org.pl Warsaw office Pl. Konstytucji 5 loc. 4, 00-657 Warsawa, Poland tel: +48-22-4005073 fax: +48-22-2472262
Received on Friday, 24 May 2013 19:03:05 UTC