Understanding WCAG 2.0 accurate translation in French


As a member of the BrailleNet translation group for "Understanding WCAG
2.0", I confirm that I have in fact reviewed the document "Version
française, 20 mai 2011 : Comprendre les WCAG 2.0" located at
http://www.braillenet.org/accessibilite/comprendre-wcag20/CAT20110520 and I
consider it to be an accurate translation.

Best regards

Bruno Marmol.

Email: Bruno.Marmol@Inrialpes.Fr - Tel: 04 76 61 53 04 - Fax: 04 76 61 52 52
Braillenet - Inria Rhône Alpes.    
ZIRST - 655 Av de l'Europe.  - Montbonnot St Martin 
38334 St Ismier Cedex - France

Received on Thursday, 2 June 2011 07:21:18 UTC