URI Correction Re: XML Accessibility Guidelines in to Spanish.

Note that the URI for this translation is in fact
(but the URL given below will redirect)

This draft is now linked from the Translations page -
via the XAG translations page - http://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/XML/translations



On Fri, 30 Aug 2002, Emmanuelle Guti駻rez y Restrepo wrote:

 >Hi all,
 >Emmanuelle Guti駻rez y Restrepo mailto:emmanuelle@sidar.org has concluded
 >the "XML Accessibility Guidelines - W3C Working Draft 29 August 2001"
 >translation into Spanish.
 >The translation is in:
 >I know that it is a Working Draft but if there is a translation in to
 >Spanish, this will facilitate the participation in their development of
 >people that don't speak English. For that reason at the beginning of the
 >translation is a warning that says:
 >"Attention!: This document is a Working Draft, therefore it is subject to
 >changes. Their intention is to receive observations on the part of the
 >members of the W3C and of other interested parts. If you cannot send
 >observations in English to the address mentioned later on, send them to the
 >translator who will make them arrive, on your behalf, to the editors."
 >Best Regards,
 >Emmanuelle Guti駻rez y Restrepo
 >Coordinadora del SIDAR
 >mailto: coordina@sidar.org

Charles McCathieNevile  http://www.w3.org/People/Charles  tel: +61 409 134 136
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Received on Tuesday, 3 September 2002 01:39:01 UTC