Space saving recomandations for Windows OS... CHM !

                Howdee !
    If any1 interested I'm working at majority of W3C recommendations in CHM
format... I already did HTML4.01 and CSS L2... and currently working @
    The bad management of disk space on FAT enabled systems lead me to this
action. For example... the REC for MathML is reported as little over 3 MB...
when in fact it takes 40MB (on FAT16) or 20MB (on FAT32)... waaaaay tooo
much even for some1 with many GB on HDD...

    Also I want to get in contact with translators into Romanian of W3C
RECs... if there are any... so they let me know how can I help !

Gabriel Preda -

Received on Wednesday, 1 May 2002 04:39:17 UTC